Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has rescheduled the winter exams of UG students to March 23, 2021. To ensure students' safety and to avoid gathering in colleges, two batches of students will be made for conducting exams.
MUHS Nashik conducts its winter exams in the months of November-December every year. This year due to the global pandemic, the university has planned to delay the exams for UG programs.
On January 6, the university issued a notice stating that exams of more than 25,000 First, Second and Third Year students from Health Science courses shall commence from March 23.
These exams were earlier scheduled to be held from February 24, 2021. Likewise, Final-year exams for around 10,000 students will begin on February 24 as notified earlier by the MUHS.
As per the latest updates, students are thrilled by the postponement news, however, some have even demanded cancellation of exams.
Read: MUHS Time Table 2021 (Released): BAMS BHMS MBBS MDS Summer Results, Hall Ticket
Ajit Pathak, controller of examinations of MUHS said that to ensure social distancing they are planning not to conduct the examinations for all the classes jointly.
He added that to conduct physical examinations, they need a lot of resources such as supervisors, internal vigilance squads. The winter exam for postgraduate students will begin from January 4.
The university is also conducting its 20th convocation ceremony online in the 4th week of January.
The teachers will also be responsible for teaching and patient care. He assured the delay is not much and they are planning to regularise the schedule soon. Moreover, the university is conducting summer examinations in the month of June as per the plan.
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