Mumbai University to Restore Law Courses Results Declared Previously, Nullifies Circular Published Stating Cancellation of Results: Read More

The Bombay high court slammed the BCI for its new directives to Mumbai University (MU), for which the BCI told the Bombay high court that its new directives to conduct end term exams will apply prospectively. Amit Sale, the advocate of BCI told a bench of Justices Riyaz Chagla and Ramesh Dhanuka that it will not be applicable retrospectively and It will apply prospectively. 

Less than a month after the Mumbai University (MU) released circular nullifying results of law students that were based on average scores and internal assessment last year, A final-year student from the government law college has filed the petition saying that the results declared last year should not be cancelled to substitute with assignment based evaluation that required submitting ten assignments within 21 days that too without any online classes. 

Further, the petitioner's advocate had earlier stated that neither MU nor the BCI is empowered to give such directions, such as to cancel the already declared results last year and MU's circular is arbitrary and unreasonable, he added. 

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Ashutosh Kulkarni, the MU advocate, said that out of the total 10,000 students only the final year student, who filed the petition had a problem with the assignment based evaluation and the time limit of submitting the assignment. However, the Bombay high court had stated it as a “prima facie view”. 

Meanwhile, the previously declared results can not be cancelled and directed BCI to either consider it or else the Bombay HC will issue a stay on the MU circular. The Bombay high court has stated that the circular stands withdrawn and the results declared based on the internal evaluation and previous scores would stand restored.
