NIT Andhra Pradesh Awarded ‘Best Institute in South India 2021’ by Centre for Education Growth & Research; Read Details Here

National Institute of Technology, NIT Andhra Pradesh has been identified and awarded as the 'Best Institute in South India 2021.'

The Center for Education Growth and Research, a New Delhi based Education Think Tank presented the Best Institute in South India 2021 award to the NIT, Andhra Pradesh. 

During the 15th Rashtriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar Ceremony, NIT Andhra Pradesh received this prestigious award and it has been recognised for its exemplary and outstanding contributions towards Education Skill Development and Research. 

Expressing his gratitude upon receiving the award, the director of NIT Andhra Pradesh, Prof. C.S.P. Rao, Director, said that the institute has been trying its best to provide a world-class quality education to the students by bringing in academic and research excellence through various best practices. 

Further, he congratulated and proudly wished all the stakeholders of NIT Andhra Pradesh. He said that the challenges faced during the pandemic have made everyone commit strongly for building the institute with new initiatives. There has been a surge in the packages offered at NIT Andhra Pradesh Placement 2021 owing to the constant and continuous skill development programs. 

He added that the institute has revised the undergraduate (B.Tech) curriculum from the 2020-21 academic year onwards with regards to National Education Policy 2020 guidelines. Additionally, the faculty have received an attractive funding for their research work.

At present, the institute is expanding their wings to make good industry linkages and international collaborations, he said and concluded thanking the Ministry of Education for their continuous support on the occasion. 

About NIT Andhra Pradesh 

NIT Andhra Pradesh is the 31st institution among the chain of NITs, which was established by the Government of India in 2015-16. The institute is recognised as an 'Institute of National Importance', and the institute offers B.Tech programmes in eight engineering branches and it also offers PhD programmes in the same branches.
