NITK Tie-Up With BOSCH to Offer M.Tech in Power Electronics & Control of Electric Vehicles

New Delhi: National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, has collaborated with Bosch Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd to develop a two-year postgraduate degree (MTech) in "Power Electronics and Control for Electric Vehicles" in hybrid format beginning in October 2022.

According to the NITK, classes will be offered routinely, Monday through Friday, from 5 pm to 9 pm online. Exams, however, will be given in offline mode. At first, only Bosch employees will be allowed to enroll in the course.

A contract for launching an industry-sponsored MTech programme was signed on September 16, according to Dattatraya N Gaonkar, Head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at NITK.

Bosch Supplies The Required Professionals' List.

According to Mr. Gaonkar, Bosch will choose its employees for the MTech programme and give a list of them to the NITK, which will assess or test them before enrolling them in the programme. There can be a maximum of 40 students. According to him, Bosch has submitted a list of 27 of its professionals for the initiative.

According to the standard fully residential postgraduate programmes of NITK, "all other regulatory standards will be applied to them," he stated.

"The market for electric vehicles is expanding quickly. Technical skill sets for electric vehicles are in high demand. He claimed that EV production is the primary goal of almost all automotive industries.

According to Mr. Gaonkar, battery management in electric vehicles has become a subject that requires attention. As a result, NIT-K will provide a programme focused on the market with solid theoretical content and laboratory experience. NITK created the program in collaboration with Bosch Global Software Technologies Private Limited.

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