New Delhi: Symbiosis Institute of Business Management in Pune (SIBM Pune) has successfully concluded its summer placements for the MBA Programme and has become a new hotspot for consulting and product management talents.

SIBM Pune provides MBA students with a well-rounded learning experience that incorporates academic rigour, a culture driven by students, a distinguished alumni network, and the finest possible placement chances.
The Placement Advisory Team at SIBM Pune, a student-driven team, works tirelessly to bring together the worlds of corporate life and student life. This convergence is made possible in large part by SIBM Pune's student-driven culture, where student councils organise all major campus events.
This year, the MBA program's summer internships are a vital component. Vallabh Agarwal, Student Coordinator of the Placement Advisory Team at SIBM Pune, said that the team makes painstaking measures to ensure that the greatest internship opportunities are provided to students.
The current Placement Team has achieved outstanding results in the Summer Internship Recruitment Process (SIRP) for the class of 2022–24 this year. Their efforts are seen in the opportunities given as well as the improved average stipend and number of new organisations onboarded.
Dr. Ramakrishnan Raman, Director of SIBM Pune, provided some key facts, and said that this year, over 60 firms participated in the summer placements. In the end, 71% of the students received more than 2.5 lakhs for two months, with the maximum stipend being 4 lakhs for two months, the median stipend being 3.1 lakhs for two months, and the average stipend being 2.91 lakhs for two months.
Twenty or more new recruiters participated in the summer placement process at SIBM Pune, while prestigious legacy recruiters retained their relationship with the institution.
The student president of SIBM Pune, Mr. Ashwani Bansal, expressed his sincere gratitude to the employers and said that SIBM Pune attributes its successful placement cycle to the organisations that continue to show their unwavering faith in our students and the hard work of the Placement Advisory Team. This was in light of the current state of the corporate sector and the abundance of Product Management and Consulting-based positions.
Bansal said that he has faith that the team will continue to work toward a better institution's future for years to come so that we can keep climbing to new heights.
SIBM Pune is amongst the most prestigious Human Resources Management institutions and has an illustrious alumni base of HR professionals who have spearheaded a positive change toward a newer agile workforce across the globe.
A number of the world's most esteemed human resources management institutions, including SIBM Pune, have distinguished alumni who have promoted a shift toward a more modern, adaptable workforce.
The institute gives students the chance to learn more about consulting, product management, and business analytics while also gaining experience in the fields of human resources, marketing, finance, and operations.
Congratulating all the students, Dr. Ravi Kumar, the deputy director of SIBM Pune, said that the vast exposure to business through events like Manthan 2022 and other interactions broadens the perspectives of young minds, while the opportunities for leadership and entrepreneurship provided by student councils make students adept and eager to shape the future.
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