TS CET 2020: Students worried about CETs, seek postponement due to COVID-19

Students are worried about the schedule finalized for TS CETs 2020. The state education minister Sabita Indra Reddy approved the TS CETs 2020 schedule promising that the government would take care of the COVID-19 safety measures. However, a number of students are demanding postponement of TS CETs because of the fear of contracting the virus.

On June 30, 2020, the Telangana High Court had postponed all the TS CETs 2020 because of the pandemic. However, TS CETs have now been scheduled between August 31 to October 04.

The table below shows the tentative dates for the TS CETs 2020:

Exam Date of Exam
TS-ECET August 31
TS-EAMCET Engineering- September 09,10,11 & 14; Agriculture- September 28-29
TS-PGECET September 21-24
TS-ICET September 30 & October 1 (only forenoon session)
TS-EDCET October 1 (afternoon session) & October 03 (forenoon and afternoon session)
TS-LAWCET October 04 (forenoon & afternoon session)

As per the details, close to four lakh students are likely to appear in seven TS CETs 2020.

Students have stated that it would be stressful to wear a face mask for three continuous hours during such high pressure. Other students have pointed out the uncertain weather conditions and the floods that would make it difficult for many to commute to their test centers. Others have also raised concerns about the LAWCET and UPSC Prelims being held on the same day. 

Students have taken on to social media platforms seeking postponement of TS CETs 2020. 

TSCHE however has planned restricted movement of students ensuring safety between the concerns of COVID-19. 

The exams are to be conducted as per the computer-based test model. Candidates have been accommodated as per the preferences they had mentioned during their applications. 
