TS EAMCET Counselling 2020: Over 23,000 seats left vacant after the Final Round of Allotment

TS EAMCET 2020 Final Phase Allotment Results was declared on November 12, 2020 and with it, came the final updates for the vacant seats for Engineering, Agriculture and Pharmacy Admission 2020 in Telangana.

The Official report says that over 23,000 seats remained vacant after the conclusion of the Final Phase Seat Allotments for TS EAMCET 2020.

CheckTS EAMCET 2020: Final Round Seat Allotments

The number of vacant seats have reached 23,070 this year, whereas last year it was about 19,866 seats. 

There were a total of 70,120 seats for Engineering Admission to which only 50, 844 seats have been allotted this year, as per the data presented by Navin Mittal, Conveyor of EAMCET Admission 2020.

Check: TS EAMCET 2020: Participating Colleges

TS EAMCET Counselling 2020: Course wise vacant Seats

The table mentioned here shows the course wise vacant seats for the EAMCET Admission 2020:

Total Vacant Seats in the Last Phase


Vacant Seats after Last Phase Seat Allotments


Engineering (Vacant Seats)


B. Pharmacy (Vacant Seats)


D.Pharmacy (Vacant Seats)


TS EAMCET Counselling 2020: Official Data 

As per the data presented by the officials, in Engineering, 3,110 seats are allotted in 14 Government Colleges whereas 47,734 seats are allotted in 167 Private Institutions.

In Pharmacy, 48 seats are allotted in 3 Government Pharmacy Institutions while 82 seats have been allotted for 116 Private colleges. 

Check: TS EAMCET 2020: 1st and 2nd Round Counselling Results

Pharmacy Colleges are now expecting that the commencement of Admissions to Biology, Physics and Chemistry will engage the vacant seat numbers for B.Pharm and D.Pharm Admission.

Out of 181 Engineering Colleges in Telangana, only 38 Colleges were able to reach the 100% allotments. In the final phase allotments 39,182 qualified candidates went for nearly 12.98 lakhs web option.

Candidates allotted seats in the final round have to complete the payment and document verification procedures by November 17, 2020 to confirm their allotted seats.

Also Check: TS EAMCET 2020 Cutoffs
