TS PGLCET 2020 Declared @lawcet.tsche.ac.in; Check Scorecard Here

TS PGLCET 2020 result has been declared today, November 6, on the official website of TSCHE: lawcet.tsche.ac.in.

As per reports, among 30,310 registered candidates, only 70% attended TS LAWCET and TS PGLCET 2020. Hnece, candidates who appeared in TS PGLCET 2020 can check their result status on the official website. S LAWCET and TS PGLCET were held on the same day. 

The Official Notice Reads:

“As per the decision of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education, the Results of TS LAWCET (3 & 5 years course) and TS PGLCET (LL. M.) conducted on 09.10.2020 will be declared on 06.11.2020.”

Earlier, Osmania University conducted TS PGLCET 2020 on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) on October 9 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. T

TS PGLCET 2020: How to Check Result?

Follow the steps mentioned below, to check TS LAWCET 2020 result:

  1. Visit the official website:lawcet.tsche.ac.in
  2. Click the TS LAWCET 2020 result link
  3. Enter registration number, date of birth and hall ticket number.
  4. Click on the Download option.
  5. TS LAWCET 2020 result will appear on the screen
  6. Download it for future reference

Direct Link: TS PGLCET 2020 Result

TS PGLCET offres admisison to LLM programs offered by the colleges in the state of Telangana. Candidates willing to apply for the exam are required to have an LLB or equivalent degree with 50% marks.

The exam was held as a Computer-Based Test in two shifts maximally in the state of Telangana, but also in few exam centres of Andhra Pradesh.

TS PGLCET 2020: Tie-Breaker Rule 

For candidates securing similar marks, ranks will be allotted considering preferences based on these conditions:

  • Highest marks secured in Part C questions
  • Highest marks secured in Part B questions
  • Higher on the age scale 

TS PGLCET 2020 Result Declared: What Next?

Osmania University, Hyderabad will publish a merit list for regular and private LL.M Programs based on TS PGLCET 2020 ranks. Candidates who feature in the Merit List will be eligible for TS PGLCET 2020 Counselling.

Read: TS PGLCET 2020 Cut off
