Unipune Nullifies Previous Circular, Colleges Not to be Reopened from Jan 11; Read Why

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has released a new circular on January 7, 2021, cancelling the reopening dates of the affiliated colleges, which was announced to be January 11, 2021, according to the previous circular.

On January 4, 2021, UniPune issued a circular stating that the offline classes will be commenced in affiliated colleges from January 11, 2021, which is now cancelled by the university.

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According to the new Circular of SPPU, the University Departments and colleges/institutions are first asked to adopt few measures for the safety and health of all the concerned to facilitate the successful reopening and smooth conduct of teaching-learning process in offline mode, otherwise, the staff and students are likely to face a number of issues after reopening.

SPPU’s New Circular read as follows: “It is notified to all Heads of University Departments, Principal/ Directors of colleges/ institutions to take necessary steps to ensure appropriate preparations for reopening of University Departments and colleges/institutions, in advance, in accordance with the UGC Guidelines dated 6.11.2020, directions/ guidelines issued by the State Government and local authorities from time to time. Date of the reopening of University Departments and colleges/institutions will be notified in due course of time as per the directives of the State Government”.

**Read Full Circular Here**

Under the initiative ‘Mission Begin Again’, the phase-wise unlocking process subsequent to the lockdown declared due to COVID-19 pandemic, has begun in the State of Maharashtra and reopening of universities and colleges is a part of the same, however, SPPU will not allow the opening of colleges from January 11.

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