UPCET 2021 Counselling Round 3 Registration started for B.Tech; Check Details

<h1>UPCET 2021 Counselling Round 3 Registration started for B.Tech; Check Details </h1>

UPCET 2021 Counselling Round 3 Registration for B.Tech has been started by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) today, i.e. October 30 at 10.00 am. The candidates can complete UPCET Counselling 2021 round 3 registration and fee payment till November 1. After registering for UPCET 2021 Counselling, the candidates need to complete their document verification by 10:00 am on November 1, 2021.

UPCET 2021 Counselling: Round 3 Important Dates

Event Date
Registration and Payment of Fee (for fresh candidates) October 30, 2021 (10 AM) to November 1, 2021 (11:59 PM)
Document Verification October 30, 2021 (12 PM) to November 1, 2021(10 AM)
Respond to Queries October 30, 2021 (2 PM) to November 1, 2021 (2 PM)
Document Verification October 30, 2021 (2 PM) to November 1, 2021 (11:59 PM)
Online Choice Locking (final chance to change the choices, the choices filled will also be considered for further rounds including internal sliding) October 30, 2021 (2 PM) to November 3, 2021 (10 AM)
Seat Allotment (Only freeze option available, no float option, no withdrawal/refund permitted) November 5, 2021
Payment of Seat Confirmation November 6, 2021, to November 8, 2021 (11:59 PM)
Final option for Physical Reporting of freeze candidates at Institution of Round 1, 2, and 3 (in case of non-reporting allotted seat will be deemed as cancelled, no refund will be provided for whatsoever reason) November 8, 2021, to November 9, 2021

Direct Link to Register for UPCET 2021 B.Tech Counselling Round 3

UPCET 2021 B.Tech Counselling Round 3: Eligible Candidates

  • New candidates who have not registered before can register and pay the registration fee to participate in UPCET B.Tech Round 3 Counselling
  • The candidates who have registered earlier but did not pay the fees need to pay fees to participate in round 3.
  • The candidates who have registered and paid the fees but did not submit any choices can participate in the third round.
  • The candidates who chose the freeze option in the earlier rounds won’t be allowed to modify their choice.
  • The candidates who chose the float option would be allowed to modify their choices. Their earlier allotted seats would be retained. However, they would be considered for upgradation.
  • The candidates who have not paid acceptance fees in the earlier rounds are not eligible to participate in the third round.
  • The candidates who have become ineligible after document verification cannot apply for further rounds of UPCET B.Tech counselling.
  • The candidates who have withdrawn their candidature in earlier rounds are not allowed to participate in the round 3 counselling.

UPCET 2021 Counselling Process

UCET 2021 counselling will be conducted in five stages. UCET 2021 counselling process includes registration, document verification, choice filling, seat allotment, and reporting. The document verification round will be conducted online. In case the candidates face any issues, they can write to- upcet.helpdesk@aktu.ac.in or contact 1800-1800161 from 10 am to 5 pm for any clarification.

UPCET 2021 is a state-level examination. The candidates appear for this exam to seek admissions to various UG and PG courses at colleges affiliated to AKTU, MMMUT, and other state universities of Uttar Pradesh. UPCET 2021 was conducted in an online computer-based test mode.

Check UPCET 2021 Score Accepting Colleges
