UPCET 2021 Counselling Started for B.Arch Courses; Register Now @upcet.admissions.nic.in

UPCET 2021 Counselling has commenced from September 23, 2021, for B.Arch courses. The candidates need to visit the official website and register for the same. Only the candidates who have qualified for UPCET 2021 are eligible to apply for the counselling process. The authorities will allocate seats based on the preferences of the candidates and the seats available. 

UPCET 2021 counselling was supposed to commence from September 16, 2021. However, the registration process got delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. The candidates once shortlisted, need to produce their documents for verification. Only the candidates who possess valid documents will be eligible for further rounds of the admission process. 

UPCET 2021 counselling: Date and Time

Find below the vital date for UPCET 2021 counselling. 

Event Date
UPCET Counselling Registration Begins September 23,2021 (5:00 pm)
Last Date for UPCET Counselling Registration To be announced
Document Verification To be announced
UPCET 2021 Seat Allotment To be announced

UPCET 2021 counselling: How to Register

The candidates are advised to follow the below-mentioned steps to register for UPCET 2021 counselling. 

  • Visit the official website-upsee.admissions.nic.in.
  • Click on the Registration for B.Arch admission link on the home page.
  • Enter the required credentials.
  • Candidates will then be redirected to the payment window
  • Take a screenshot of the receipt for future reference.

UCET 2021 counselling will be conducted in five stages. UCET 2021 counselling process includes registration, document verification, choice filling, seat allotment, and reporting. The document verification round will be conducted online. In case the candidates face any issues, they can write to- upcet.helpdesk@aktu.ac.in or contact 1800-1800161 from 10 am to 5 pm for any clarification. 

UPCET 2021 is a state level examination. The candidates appear for this exam to seek admissions to various UG and PG courses at colleges affiliated to AKTU, MMMUT, and other state universities of Uttar Pradesh. UPCET 2021 was conducted in an online computer based-test mode. 
