VNSGU: Students Asked to Sign ‘nCov free’ Undertaking Before Exam

The M.Sc students of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University’s Chemistry department had to sign an undertaking before they could sit for the Chemistry paper stating that they were free from coronavirus infection and that they are responsible if anything happens to them.

Following the incident, some photographs of the undertaking were also shared widely in social media. The issue was brought to the notice of some top university officials as well.

As per sources, the department had asked its students that will have to fill up and sign the undertaking if they wished to appear in the exam. After which majority of the students had no option but to sign the undertaking.

Students had to fill up their name, exam number, details of semester, date and sign at the bottom of the undertaking with their name once again.

 ‘I have no symptoms of Corona and if such symptoms are found during testing then it is completely my responsibility,’ mentioned the one-line declaration.

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Students’ and Official’s Reaction on the University’s Act

Following the University’s action, many expressed their concerns and opposed the move. One of the students said “Students are already worried about infection from the exams being held in such conditions. By making them sign such an undertaking, the students are being subjected to additional pressure.”

While students of some other colleges in south Gujarat too have also been asked to submit such undertakings.

However, after the issue was brought to top university officials’ notice, it was stopped immediately. 

Head of the department, Navin Patel had explained that the MSc students were asked to submit the undertaking only on the first of the exams. “We don’t know the health status of each student so it is better that we get verified with students,” he said. “

“In VNSGU’s chemistry department as well as in some more colleges, students have been forced to sign such undertaking if they wished to appear in the exams. There are no such rules and university top officials have to ensure it stops,” Bhavesh Rabari, a VNSGU syndicate member, said. 

Another senior university officiials said that there are no such guidelines issued by the government to take undertaking from student and that it was an unnecessary step and the department officials have been informed about it

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