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How is life in and around for a student in IIM Bangalore?

Ankit Malik Posted On : December 21st, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur

A student's life in IIM Bangalore is a blend of stress and fun. The first 2 semesters are quite tough since the curriculum here is very extensive. But you don’t have to give up on this pressure and by 3rd term, you will see yourself adapting to it. Also, the initial terms are when you make the best friends of your life. Your company will define how the following two years will shape you into a new person.

To maintain rigor the institute organized frequent quizzes and group projects. You are required to multitask and also prioritize your tasks. This will continue for 5-6 courses. You will get enough relaxation through fests, and breaks during summer and final placements.

Ultimately what will matter for an IIM Bangalore student is their final grade and what memories they created within the campus in 2 years.


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What's the main criteria for getting selected at IIM Bangalore?

Mayuri Katiyar Posted On : December 21st, 2022
Studied CS at McMaster University

Unlike IIM Ahmedabad which just considers the top CAT score, IIM Bangalore’s criteria for selection depends on the following parameters

    • Past academic score: 50% weightage (20% 10th class, 10%12th class, and 20% graduation)
    • Work experience: 8% weightage (preferably 3 yrs and above)
  • Gender diversity: 2% 
  • CAT score: 40% weightage 

So to get a call from IIM Bangalore you need to have good academic records (around 95), 3 or more years of working experience and a CAT score of around 99 percentile. But if you lack in the academic record area, gain more work experience and then achieve a CAT score of around 99.7+.

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How good is P3M course in IIM Bangalore?

Ankit Jhawar Posted On : December 21st, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

PPPM or Project Program & Portfolio Management is an excellent short-duration course offered by IIM Bangalore. This executive education program selects only 20 candidates each term. The course is for

  •  Candidates with work experience
  •  Candidates currently in middle management to senior management roles.

The program comprises faculty dinners, case study discussions, case study analyses, discussions about real-life management issues, group presentations, and other problem-solving discussions.

The faculty for this program is extremely supportive and helps you throughout the course.

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Do verified certifications from edX (IIMBx -IIM Bangalore in my case) add brownie points to one's resume?

Aravind Sethuraj Posted On : December 21st, 2022
MBA in Business, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2019)

The simple answer is yes, verified certificates from edX do add value to your resume. But the point is that only adding value to your resume is not sufficient. You should broaden your approach and consider this certification more than just adding value. Use it to inculcate skills that will help you in this fast-paced world. If you do this certification wholw_heartedly you will gain confidence to present yourself for the interview and also give the impression that you are constantly working towards improving yourself.

So the certificate itself won't be much beneficial in the long run but the skills acquired from it will.

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Which educational course is better- IPM from IIM Indore or BBA+MBA from Christ University Bangalore?

Aditya Iyer Posted On : December 21st, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (Graduated 2017)

Choosing between IIM and Christ University is not a difficult decision. Without second thoughts, forgo the offer from Christ University and go for IIM Indore. This is because

  • The title of IIM is more than enough to open opportunities for you in the future
  • You will get better exposure and crowd at IIM than at Christ university
  • Obviously the placement opportunities are better at IIM than at any other university.


IIM Indore 

Christ University

Average CTC

INR 24.09 LPA


Highest CTC

INR 21.46 LPA


Even if both the colleges offer similar packages IIM has a bigger brand image and will help you in the long run.

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Can I make it to IIM A B or C if my 10 score is 93, 12 is 82 and grade is 73 and from a tier 3 college?

Kumar Gaurav Posted On : December 21st, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

Your question basically means what criteria are required to get into IIM A B or C. The table below has summarized the different parameters that decide your eligibility for admission into IIM ABC.


IIM Calcutta

IIM Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore



Final Selection-0%


Final Selection-15%


Final Selection-25%

Worl Experience

8% (final selection)

5% (shortlisting)

8% (shortlisting)

10% (final selection)

Gender/Academic Diversity

4% (shortlisting)

4% (final selection)

2% (shortlisting)

Non-Engineers can get a call with low percentile also

Now considering your profile, you need the following CAT score to get into IIM A B C

IIM Ahmedabad: If you are a non-engineer you will get a call easily but if you are an engineer you will need work experience and at least 99.5+CAT score

IIM Bangalore: You will need work experience to compensate for poor academic record or at least 100 percentile to get a call

IIM Calcutta: you will need 98.8+ if you are a girl. For boys, it is around 99.6+.

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My idea has been selected for Mentoring and then incubation at IIM Bangalore. How should I go about presenting it to them so that they agree for incubating it?

Shashank Shekhar Posted On : December 21st, 2022
PGP in Sales & Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (Graduated 2003)

One of my friends' startups was incubated by NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore. She narrated her struggles in achieving this after 3 attempts. I won’t go through the details of how you can get your idea incubated as your idea has already been. Instead, I will tell you what comes after.

Once your idea has been incubated, you will be enrolled in a 3-month LaunchPad program. During this program you will have to work from the IIM Bangalore campus itself. The team of NSRCEL will 

  • Conduct workshops to familiarize you with startups and how they function.
  • The NSRCEL team will set attainable targets and help you achieve them.
  • You will be allowed interactions with experienced mentors who will offer suggestions and opinions regarding your idea. Use this opportunity to learn and upgrade the idea and not as criticism.
  • The team will also provide you with some time and money-saving business tools like AWS credits, Access to CRM, and accounting software.

My friend said she regretted not paying during this program because she was not well prepared for what came after. You will have to present your idea in front of a panel of 8 judges. They will analyze if your idea is worth investing in and your goals. They will inquire a lot and pose difficult questions, the answers to which can be known only if you really paid attention to the program. 

The 3 possible outcomes of this procedure are

  1. Your idea gets incubated
  2. You are granted an extension of 2-3 months to work on your idea a bit more
  3. You are asked to re-apply for the Launchpad program as you need to understand your business better.

Irrespective of the outcome don’t get demotivated. Because the largest of empires have been built after countless failures.

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What kind of roles do Google, and Facebook hire from management institutes like IIM Ahmedabad IIM Bangalore, and IIM Calcutta?

Parneet Kaur Posted On : December 19th, 2022
Studied at IIM Calcutta

Google pays a visit to the campus and offers two positions. It's either Product Management (PM) or Marketing. However, both positions may not be available every year. It is determined by the state of the economy, the requirements, and the campus-Google relationship. The project manager position is more desirable than the marketing position.

This year, it hired from IIM C for positions such as industry manager, account manager, and account strategist. Infosys' international positions are for its client-servicing group. All of these candidates will be based in the United States or London. GE Capital and Baring Private Equity are two other recruiters.

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Is there any reason why one should not join IIM Bangalore?

Sumit Saurav Posted On : December 19th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (Graduated 2020)

Honestly, there is no major reason one should let go of such a golden opportunity if joining IIM Bangalore. Yet I have stated some reasons which might lead to this decision:

  1. You have got a call from IIM Ahmedabad as well and you prefer it over IIM Bangalore.
  2. If you are tight on budget and cannot afford the high fees here.
  3. If you are not confident that you will be able to bear the peer pressure and the level of competition at IIM Bangalore.
  4. If you are not interested in pursuing an MBA.

All these reasons validate your decision not to join IIM Bangalore.

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How did IIM Bangalore achieve 100% summer placements?

Anisha Mukhija Posted On : December 19th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore has been able to achieve 100% summer placements due to the combined and relentless efforts of students, seniors, placement committees, and clubs. No institute can work properly without a proper cordial relationship among these. Summer placements take place after the end of 2nd term but students start preparing well before the beginning of the term. The following points entail the details of preparation for summer placements k:

  • Preparatory sessions: The student clubs and societies hold preparation sessions for significant roles in Consulting, Product Management, Finance, Marketing, Operations, and Analytics.
  • Alumni sessions: Experienced alumni from different sectors working at reputed firms come forward and conduct sessions to share their job experience. This enables the students to make better choices for their careers.
  • Case preparation: The ones who are preparing for consulting roles form a case preparation group wherein they practice mock cases. Mock group discussions and interviews facilitated by clubs and seniors are also conducted.
  • Peer support group: The peers are competitive yet very considerate towards each other. They don’t celebrate their victory unless all their batchmates have been placed. This installs a feeling of compassion and empathy.
  • Placement committee: The major credit for 100% of placements should go to the relentlessly working placement committee of IIM Bangalore. It strives to bring in as many major companies as possible. It conducts an unbiased and transparent placement drive.

So all these reasons have resulted in 100% placements at IIM Bangalore today. It’s the combined efforts of not one but many.

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