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What books should I buy for a 1st year in engineering at BIT Sindri?

Aman Singh Posted On : May 7th, 2021
B.Tech Information Technology, Birsa Institute of Technology, Sindri (2019)

In 1st year in engineering at BIT Sindri, you are not required to buy books. You can take help from your seniors. You can buy books for GATE/IES preparation. But for the 1st year of Engineering, you can take books from the library or borrow from your seniors.

One of my cousins studied at Birsa Institute of Technology, Sindri, in B.Tech throughout his year he only bought core subjects of IT books such as Operating Systems, C++, DAA, Software Project Management, Data Structure, Java, AI, etc. Rest of the books he gets from his seniors. 

Therefore, for first-year engineering at Birsa Institute of Technology, Sindri, you don’t need to buy books. You can always take help from your seniors asking them for notes, or borrow books from them, or get it from the college library.

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