What are the chances of getting into IIM Indore IPM if my OBC rank is 61?

1 Answer

Nandini Gupta Posted On - Aug 31, 2021
Studies at Integrated Programme in Management, IIM Indore (2025)

One of my friends opted for both Indore and Rohtak. He only got into the waiting list for Rohtak through the EWS Category Rank 80. It is actually a bit hard to get admission at IIM Indore. 

According to a trend, which emerged from IIT and NIT, students are dropping out of their colleges to enroll in Indore because of its tremendous growth in the past few years. This has provided immense opportunities to students related to internships and work.

If you are an IIT/NIT aspirant and still confused whether you should choose Management from Indore or Engineering from IIT in sync with your interest in finance, entrepreneurship or consultation then you must go for Indore. It will also develop your business too. 

During the 2nd merit list in 2020, students from NC/OBC category up to the merit rank of 47 got an admission offer. So, if we analyze from that, then you'd have a better chance after the result announcement of JEE Advanced. 



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