What are the advantages and disadvantages for doing M.A. in English through Distance learning from Vidyasagar University?

1 Answer

Jay Mondal Posted On - Oct 13, 2021
Completed M.Sc. in Zoology from Vidyasagar University in 2020

Like everything in the world, distance education also has both advantages and disadvantages of its own. Let me discuss some of them I found out while doing some research online.


  • Except for the exam time schedule, you can make your own routine for preparing your topics for the exams.
  • Another advantage of distance education is that you will not be distracted by the hubbub that usually happens in a classroom. 
  • You will also not be burdened by the necessity to participate in the events.
  • If you are employed, then you can work as well as pursue your course.


  • A glaring drawback of distance education is that you will not be able to interact with your peers, seniors, faculty, etc. 
  • You might not be able to hone your skills in communication, writing, and interaction. 
  • You can, however, engage in conversations with your peers during the weekend classes or joint study sessions.
  • Some government institutions, unfortunately, do not employ students who complete their courses through distance education.

This prejudice against students who complete their course through distance learning can be seen a lot, but some also provide opportunities to them based on their capabilities.



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