How difficult is it to convert to IIM Shillong? How easy/difficult is the GDPI round?

2 Answers

Shuvhanita Banerjee Posted On - Mar 17, 2022
Master of Business Administration Degrees, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2019)

The level of difficulty is subjective and varies from person to person. IIM Shillong used to conduct a case-study-based GD. This is unique as very few top B-Schools have case-study-based GD. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, IIM Shillong is taking online interviews. One of my friends had her interview last year. The group discussion round didn’t happen due to the pandemic. 

There were two panelists present for the interview. They asked her questions regarding her work experience, her academics, her hobbies, etc. My friend has an average profile and she couldn’t answer a few questions during the interview as well. Despite these factors, she was able to convert the call. 



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Kushal Chopra Posted On - Feb 7, 2021
Studied MBA Master of Business Administration Degrees, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2019)

IIM Shillong's selection process is different because it is one of the few top colleges which conducts a case-based GD as part of the admission process. There are a number of factors involved in determining the level of difficulty of the question. It is a highly subjective matter.

Case-Based GD

  • In terms of execution, I think this section would be the most complicated. 
  • If looked from a real-life point of view, it is generally a managerial dilemma. A group of 6-8 individuals is asked to discuss the case and come up with the solution in most instances. 
  • It will take a bit of practice and detailed knowledge of how to perform in case-based GD's to solve these cases. 
  • You will be required to form a discourse proactively and also make sure that its framework is maintained.

Personal Interview

  • It is an important part of your selection process.
  • With a panel of 2-3 interviewers, the interview will last about 20-30 minutes on average. 
  • The questions range from your general introduction, strengths/weaknesses, long-term/short-term objectives. There will be technical questions based on your area of undergraduate or work experience. You can also expect general knowledge questions.
  • Finally, you will be asked briefly about the field you would like to specialize in and its fundamentals. 
  • Last but not least, make sure you have a sustainable response to this, the most feared question of all: Why you want to join IIM Shillong?

I hope that now you will get a pretty glance of what actually happens in the GD and PI round.



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