What are some helpful tips for students starting their first year at CUSAT?

2 Answers

Aparna Das
Aparna Das Posted On - Feb 24, 2024

I am in my fourth year of B.Tech at CUSAT. Here are some tips for freshers starting their first year at this university, based on my personal experience-

  1. Don’t depend on your teachers for everything, strive to learn new things on your own. This will be very helpful for you in the long run.
  2. Go to the university library and explore the book collection over there.
  3. The crowd of CUSAT is very friendly. Make friends with people on campus.
  4. Follow your professors’ guidelines and approach them with your doubts. The faculty of the CSE department is quite helpful.
  5. Share your ideas with others and implement them. Don’t let your innovative ideas go in vain.
  6. Participate in cultural activities on campus.
  7. Learn the local language, explore the local culture, and make friends with some local Keralite students.
  8. Explore the local area, participate in sports, and try to be as active as possible.
  9. Do not get involved in the local politics.

And at the end, the most important advice from my side is, try to enjoy as much as possible. These years won’t come back, so make the most of your stay at CUSAT.



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Sreeja Prasad Posted On - Apr 19, 2021
Cochin University Of Science and Technology (2017)

CUSAT helps to get a number of opportunities and is definitely a good place to start your career. If you are not from native Kerala, then you may find some difficulties and you need to adjust in terms of food, surrounding, language, and many other things. But with time things will get easier as there are some great people out there who will help you with everything.

Here are some of the tips that may help you. 

  • College: You need to work hard if you want to survive here. It is important to attend the lectures, make assignments, and score well on the tests. The college is very serious about attendance. The course curriculum is almost the same for all the branches in the first year. But there have been reports of ragging in the college campus as well as its hostel.
  • Location: Kerala is a nice place. The weather is almost the same throughout the year. Umbrella is very important as it gets rainy anytime throughout day and night. The transport facilities are good. Both roadways and railways are a mode of transport. Buses are also available for travel throughout the state. If you are from outside of Kerala you may need to learn some common important terms in the language.
  • Food: It might be difficult for the students to adjust in the terms of food. Especially, the vegetarians have to adjust a little bit more as vegetarian food is less available.

There are a lot of things to explore in Kerala and it is a great opportunity to get to this place and enjoy it every bit.



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