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Questions Asked On NIMHANS, Bangalore

Which way is better to do an MS general surgery and then take up neurosurgery as a superspeciality or the direct 6yrs Mch Neurosurgery course offered by AIIMS and NIMHANS after an MBBS?

Swastika Roy Posted On : October 6th, 2021
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degrees, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

I know a person who is pursuing Neurosurgery and he does not feel it is not necessary to go through 3 years of MS general surgery before taking up neurosurgery. As a 6-year student, he was supposed to rotate through 10 months of general surgery.

He did not find general surgical skills that he acquired during the rotation, of much use in neurosurgery, other than the very basic knot tying and suturing skills, which can also be acquired through dedicated lab practice.

The other techniques followed in neurosurgery are significantly different from those followed in general surgery. The extensive use of the surgical microscope and bipolar coagulation for hemostasis distinguishes this surgical discipline from general surgery.

Today, neurosurgeons typically use access surgeons (thoracic surgeons or urologists) if they want to perform any unconventional approaches to the spine, which is much safer for the patient.

A lot of post-MS students don’t find much difference in incompetence or spectrum of surgeries and they are comfortable when compared with those having gone through six years of courses.

Globally, there is a trend towards running integrated courses only. Also, in India, pursuing a 6 years’ course after MBBS means you will have one less entrance examination to worry about. 

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How do I prepare for the NIMHANS MCh neurosurgery entrance exam?

Moinak Guha Posted On : October 6th, 2021
MBBS Medicine and Healthcare, Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences (2020)

According to the new updated pattern from 2018, there are separate papers for DM neurology, Mch Neurosurgery, and MD psychiatry courses.

The 70 marks paper continues. The questions are asked from all 19 subjects. The questions are asked randomly. The weightage of any subject is increased at any time. No fixed weightage from the subjects can be expected. Don’t leave out any topics from the 19 subjects. Each mark counts and can be the reason for selection and non-selection. Only 4 seats for DM and 4 for MCh.

For 30 marks separate papers-

Neurology: Neuro medicine is asked mainly. So it's important to read Harrison's neurology portion. You should have good concepts of Neurophysiology, neuropathology, CNS pharmacology, Neuro-ophthalmology, and a few neuroanatomia. Ketzung for CNS pharma part and CNS pathology from Robbins is recommended.

Neurosurgery: Mostly basic questions are asked. Good concepts of Neuroanatomy is a must. Snell and Neuro medicine from Harrison is equally important for neurosurgery. A head injury from Bailey/ Sabiston is recommended.

Psychiatry: Kaplan and Saddok is a standard book. Cover Schizophrenia and depression topics from it with the psychological examination. Praveen Tripathi's psychiatry reference book as a whole is helpful. Understand concepts well. Watch Caplan videos on behavioral science for a good understanding.

Follow crash courses from DAMS, DBMCI, and Positive classes. You can also join the Telegram channel for NIMHANS preparation.

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What are the courses available in NIMHANS for an MBBS doctor?

Aditya Chaterjee Posted On : October 6th, 2021
MBBS Medical School, Jaipur National University (2020)

One of my cousins graduated from NIMHANS and according to him, here are the courses available for an MBBS doctor in NIMHANS. 

  • MCh in Neurosurgery
  • DM in Neurology
  • MD in Psychiatry
  • Fellowship in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Neurosciences
  • M.Phil in Neurosciences
  • Ph.D. in Neurophysiology
  • M.Phil in Neurophysiology
  • M.Phil in Biophysics

If you are interested in research you can choose Ph.D. in Clinical Neurosciences or Ph.D. in Psychiatry. There is a direct entry after MBBS for MCh in Neurosurgery apart from DM in Neurology and MD in Psychiatry.

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I am studying an MBBS in my third year. I want to study my postgraduation at NIMHANS. How should I prepare for the entrance exam? How different is NIMHANS exam compared to the other PG entrance exam?

Tarun Ghosh, Posted On : October 19th, 2021
MBBS from Govt Medical College Srinagar (2010)

After doing some research online, I gathered some information regarding your question. Let me mention these which you can later analyze and check if it is useful or not.

  • It is an online MCQ-based Post Graduate entrance exam for direct MCh Neurosurgery, DM neurology, and MD Psychiatry courses.
  • The exams are usually held in the last week of March.
  • It is a 2-hour long exam and comprises 150 MCQ-based questions.
  • 1 mark is given for every correct answer and ¼ mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • 90-100 questions generally come from the routine subjects studied during MBBS. These are similar to the ones asked in other entrance exams like AIIMS and JIPMER.
  • 50-60 MCQs are related to Neurology sections of all other subjects like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, pathology, ophthalmology, medicine, surgery, psychiatry, radiology, and anesthesia.

For preparing Neurology you can take help from the following books:

  • Harrison for Neurology
  • Ganong for Neuro-Physiology
  • Snell's Neuro-Anatomy
  • Neuro-Biochemistry from Harper
  • Neuro-Microbiology from Paniker
  • Neuro-Pharmacology from KDT
  • Neuro-Pathology from Robbins

Try solving the previous 4 to 5 years of any NIMHANS MCQ guide. Also, try to score 120-130, this will secure your place among the top rankers.

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How is direct DM neurology in NIMHANS?

Bhavna Gautam, Posted On : October 19th, 2021
MBBS from Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences (2015)

You need to secure a very good rank in the NIMHANS entrance exam, this could be among the top 4 or 5. Here are some things about the course you should know about beforehand.

  • It is a 5-year course post MBBS and the course won't entirely be in NIMHANS.
  • The residents will be posted for ½  years to other hospitals like Victoria for experience in general medicine. 3 ½  years however will be in NIMHANS.
  • As a resident, you will be expected to participate in OPD's, handle in-patients, and also can be posted for emergency duties. 
  • Working hours will vary, but expect 12-hour duties on any day and 24 hours during emergency postings. 
  • The students will be posted in departments of Neurology predominantly and also Psychiatry, Neuro-surgery, Pathology, and Electrophysiology for short periods.
  • The DM course is a great opportunity to learn about Neurology in detail. 
  • You will be exposed to a wide variety of cases to standard modalities of treatment. 
  • The caseload can get a bit hectic. Try to stay calm in these situations.

As it is an institute of national importance, there are plenty of research opportunities for interested students. At the end of the course, you are expected to have a thorough knowledge of clinical aspects of Neurology, investigational modalities not limited to EEG, EMG, MRI, CT, etc. Thus it opens a huge scope of learning.

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Which college is better for an MCh Neurosurgery AIIMS Delhi or NIMHANS?

Priya Mathur, Posted On : October 19th, 2021
MD Psychiatry from Department of Psychiatry at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (2018)

This is very difficult to differentiate, as both of them are hugely notable for Neurosurgery. But like every other institution, they also have their fair share of pros and cons. Let me discuss some facts about both the institutes, analyzing which you can make your final decision.

  • AIIMS has given many good Neurosurgeons. It has a high credibility value.
  • It has got a dedicated trauma centre, cadaveric training and research facility, neurosurgical education and training school, and animal dissection lab.
  • NIMHANS is a dedicated mental health and neurosciences institute. 
  • It has got NBRC - Neuro-Biology Research Centre which provides proper infrastructure for research and technology advancement.
  • There is no difference in the quality of work, patient management protocol, etc. at both institutes.
  • The only thing bothering the students of AIIMS is the increase in faculty members. This divides the surgical work and less share comes on part of residents.
  • NIMHANS has fewer faculty members as compared to AIIMS.

You can also choose the college favoring your location. North Indians generally opt for AIIMS while South Indians will go for NIMHANS.

Ultimately, it depends on the student’s choice, because both the institutions are equally good. But a university name does not matter, it might give you the first push but after that your training and your work will speak for themselves.

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If an MBBS graduate is having an option of choosing between AIIMS NIMHANS MCh neurosurgery 6yr course then which institute is the best to opt to? What is the advantage of one over the other?

Gurpreet Singh, Posted On : October 19th, 2021
M.S. in Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (2019)

This is a choice that can vary from individual to individual. It is each student’s unique preference of certain things like location, curriculum, alumni, crowd, etc. that influence their choices.

One of my friends cleared both the entrance exams at the same time but opted for AIIMS over NIMHANS, due to its location. Being a North Indian he felt it would be easier to blend in rather than getting accustomed to a new culture, food or place.

Also, he mentioned that the Neurosurgery course will only provide an McH degree and no MS degree. This was also another concern for him and why he in the end went for AIIMS.

Therefore, you should think clearly and point out all the pros and cons of these institutions. Check which one is satisfying all your requirements and then go for it. Both AIIMS and NIMHANS are reputed institutions, graduating from any of them will prove to be great for your career. If you are North Indian go for AIIMS, if South Indian opt for NIMHANS.

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What is the difference in doing a six year MCh neurology course in NIMHANS and in other colleges in India?

Deeksha Seth, Posted On : October 19th, 2021
studied at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (2017)

It won't be right to talk about other institutions that offer Neurosurgery, but as one of my friends studied at NIMHANS, I will be able to share some details about it, analyzing which you can make your choice.

  • Being a referral centre, NIMHANS receives lots of patients.
  • The OPD’s will run up to modest hours in the evening and with cases ranging from PIVD to brainstem gliomas. 
  • The casualty will have a dedicated trauma team that receives 100–150 trauma cases per day, ranging from mild concussions to SAH.
  • OT will run on all working days or all days in case of emergencies. 
  • The surgeries include aneurysmal clipping to functional surgeries such as DBS or functional hemispherectomy.
  • There will be academic programs throughout the week including general classes to journal clubs.
  • The main focus falls on clinical work, so you will get a lot of raw material to work with to gain clinical knowledge.
  • If your interest lies in research, there are competing people there also, to encourage and guide you.

Ultimately, it is your duty to gather information from the cases, and what you learn from each of them after completing the clinical work. Always be ready to face any situation and work a hectic schedule.

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