How different Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies would be if it had a campus like NSIT, DTU, IIT?

2 Answers

Tezal Dahiya Posted On - Aug 23, 2023

Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies is a highly reputed institute and is the dream college for many commerce students. However, it’s a bit lacking in terms of infrastructure and remote location. So if the college gets a campus like NSIT, DTU, and IIT, then it will surely be one of the best colleges in the country as its only flaw will be taken care of.

Many changes will be made in the college if its infrastructure is improved. Events that were earlier held outside the campus will be conducted on the campus itself. Moreover, it will stop receiving the backlash it gets because of its poor infrastructure and become a preferable choice for many.



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Aakash Roy Posted On - Jun 27, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (2019)

There are a lot of points mentioned by one of my cousins who graduated from SSCBS.

  • He mentioned that the cricket league of CBS happens on a really small pitch-like lawn. Thus, if it were different then the CBC cricket league wouldn't happen on the lawn.
  • NSIT, DTU, and IIT are the colleges that organize a good number of events, competitions, and workshops. So, at CBS the events, competitions, and workshops would have been doubled.
  • The societies are formed in the college for various purposes and if they were in CBS the societies would save a good amount on the venue for the events.
  • Also, the fresher’s party of CBS is supposed to take place at the college parking lot, which isn’t preferable to the students. Thus, the students would get a perfect venue for attending the freshers’ party.

Overall, my brother mentioned that the campus isn’t anything without the students thus, it isn’t that different from other campuses.



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