How many marks should I get in UPTU so that I can easily get into IET Lucknow at a good branch?

2 Answers

Yash Chandra Posted On - Nov 15, 2022
B.Tech. from Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow

If you get at least 75% in UPTU, you can easily get into IET Lucknow. Both CS and IT courses are variations on the same theme, dealing with computers and programming. IT is on par with the CS department. You will be hired if you know how to code. It is your skill set and what you can offer the company that makes the difference, not your branch.

And hard work, guidance from seniors, and the tech culture all play important roles in developing the skill set.



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Prerna Joshi Posted On - Aug 3, 2021
B.Tech. from Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow (2021)

Now, what do you mean by a good branch is up for question. But here I will tell you the approximate UPTU marks you should score to get into all the branches IET Lucknow has to offer so that you could choose which is best in terms of you.

Let us first know the approximate last ranks a general category boy needs to get for admission in various branches of the IET Lucknow.

Particulars Cut off 2020
CSE 120
Information Technology Engineering 325
Electronics and Communication Engineering 508
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 1132
Mechanical Engineering 1310
Civil Engineering 1260
Electrical Engineering 835
Chemical Engineering 2081

For an OBC boy, these ranks would be around 2500 to 2600 more than his corresponding general counterpart. Similarly for an SC boy, it would be more than 5000 to 5200 while for an ST boy it would be more than 7000 to 8000 than their general compatriots.

For girls, every category and every branch will have last and maximum ranks by around 1200 to 1500 ranks higher than the corresponding similar category and branch.



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