How is KJ Somaiya college for BMM?

1 Answer

Nia Bose Posted On - Sep 6, 2021
Studied at BMM at KJ Somaiya College (2019)

Some of my friends studied BMM at KJ Somaiya. According to them, it was not something that they expected, rather the course overall was disappointing. Here are some of the reasons why they felt that way.

  • The coordinator for the BMM course is Vinay Nandy and he has quite a reputation in front of the students. 
  • He is known to practice favoring his selected students. 
  • He also cut off portions from the industrial visit fees. 
  • He has a degree of Ph.D. in archaeology. 
  • He doesn’t also teach that well and during the exam, he throws difficult questions in the paper. 
  • He says he doesn’t believe in spoon-feeding thus he doesn’t teach mostly. 
  • He has some strong connections with the nearby industry which benefits the students sometimes. 
  • Even the assistant professor can teach better than him from psychology to mass communications and advertising. 

Joining KJ Somaiya hasn’t been beneficial for them. They regret their decision and doubted themselves as students. Some consider choosing KJ Somaiya College of arts and commerce but for BMM it is the worst decision in their academic career.



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