How could I get the previous year's questions from the NICMAR entrance test?

1 Answer

Swasti Sharma Posted On - Sep 22, 2021
Studied PGP ACM at National Institute of Construction Management and Research

No, that option is not accessible. You can refer to CAT and XAT exam papers. The pattern will be the same. The NICMAR Entrance Exam will be a stroll in the park. So don't be too concerned about it.

There are three rounds in total.

In writing: It's the same as any other admission exam that tests aptitude and grammar.

Discussion in groups: The majority of GD comes from current events or any construction or project instance.

For GD, you should begin reading the newspaper extensively for the past few months prior to your exam. The topics will be broad, with no discernible trend, although they will mostly be current.

Personal Interview: They will ask you HR, technical, and other questions.

So, you require a paper only for the written round, but if you prepare a little bit of aptitude and grammar from RS Sharma, you will not need any previous paper.



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