In today's world, getting a bachelor's degree from any college isn't worth much.
DU has a brand name, but if your overall grades aren't good enough, having a degree from Delhi University is pointless.
By providing many resources and an intellectual environment, Delhi University will assist you in exploring various aspects of your personality.
However, if you have a bachelor's degree in any of the Science subjects or even Mathematics, you will need to do a master's or even a PhD to get a decent-paying job.
However, if you are an SRCC or Stephens graduate, you may be able to get a good placement from the college itself if you have a degree in Arts or Commerce with above-average marks.
The best colleges vary depending on your subject, such as SRCC for those interested in commerce. Stephen's is also regarded as one of the most prestigious universities. Other good colleges include Miranda House, Hindu, and Lady Shri Ram.