If I don't pass all the papers in my IGNOU exam in 1st year, can I still go to the second year? How do I clear the papers which I didn't pass?

2 Answers

Srabani Guha Posted On - Mar 31, 2023
studied at Indira Gandhi National Open University

 If you are studying at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and you failed to pass all the papers in your first year, don't worry, you can still progress to the second year of your course. Here's what you need to know:

  • You can register for the second year of your course even if you have back papers from your first year. IGNOU allows you to register for the next academic year as long as you have cleared the minimum number of credits required to advance to the next year.
  • You can also attempt to complete your first year while simultaneously studying in the second year. For example, if your second-year Term End Examination (TEE) is scheduled for the December cycle, you can attempt your first-year back papers in the June cycle or vice versa.
  • If you have already submitted assignments for the back papers in your first year, you do not need to resubmit them. However, you will need to ensure that you meet the assignment submission requirements for the second year.
  • It's important to note that you will need to complete all your back papers within the stipulated time period subject to the course. IGNOU has a maximum time limit within which you need to complete your course requirements. You should refer to the university guidelines or contact the academic counselor for more information.

The video below will further help you understand this



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Akshay Hiranandani Posted On - Oct 17, 2022

Yes, you can go to the second year even if you fail all of your subjects. However, the next time you must pass all of the subjects.

IGNOU does not halt your promotions to subsequent semesters, but your backlog of subjects accumulates with each passing semester, and you must eventually clear them all. So study hard and try to pass the subjects in the relevant semesters. Yes, you can go to the second year even if you fail all of your subjects. However, the next time you must pass all of the subjects.

So, better study and try to pass the subjects with the relevant semesters within that semester, because failing subjects will add up to a huge pile in the final semester, causing a lot of stress and hard work. You must make every effort to pass the subjects each semester. This also provides an assurance and reduces the burden at the end.



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