Can I get into ISB Hyderabad with a 315 GRE( Q - 163, V - 152, AWA 3.0)?

1 Answer

Hardik Nagar Posted On - Feb 15, 2023
MBA Admission Consultants MBA Admissions Consultant and mentor

To determine your eligibility for admission to ISB Hyderabad, the GRE score is a crucial factor to consider. It is recommended to check if your score falls within the range of scores of previously admitted students, which has been approximately between 311 to 335.

If your GRE score falls within this range, it's important to reflect on whether your score is the best that you can achieve, and if a retake may lead to an improvement. In addition to the GRE score, there are other important factors that will be evaluated to determine your admission to ISB Hyderabad. These include:

  1. Your academic profile. As the academic program at ISB is rigorous, it is important to consider if your previous academic performance indicates that you would perform well in the program.
  2. Your work experience. The quality of work experience you bring to the program is important in evaluating if an MBA education would add value to your career and if you would be able to make valuable contributions in class.
  3. Your future plans. This is an important aspect that is considered when evaluating your candidacy to determine if ISB would be the right fit for you.
  4. Your personal and professional characteristics. Your personal and professional attributes and achievements, including any data points that highlight your competitiveness, will be considered as part of the evaluation process.

It is important to keep in mind all of these factors when determining if your GRE score is sufficient for admission to ISB Hyderabad.



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