Before I give you a picture of the ROI offered at IBS Hyderabad, let’s clear some misconceptions regarding what ROI is.
People usually calculate ROI by comparing the fees they have spent with the package they are offered during placements. For instance, if someone pays a fee of 16 Lakhs, they expect a package of nothing less than 10 Lakhs. And if they fail to get placed with such a package, they consider the ROI to be at fault. This in reality is the wrong way to comprehend the ROI. ROI is much more than the package you are offered. ROI includes almost everything you get from the college like
Only after considering these points, is the final ROI in the form of placements taken into consideration. Now if you work hard and maintain the top position you are likely to get a good package ranging from 10-45 LPA. But this depends on how you have spent the 2 years and your commitment to the course.
So ultimately I will say yes, IBS Hyderabad is definitely worth joining considering its ROI.