Is life at NMIMS Mumbai boring and hectic for a BTech student?

1 Answer

Sumedh Kashyap Posted On - Mar 14, 2023
BTech. in Civil Engineering, NMIMS (Graduated 2019)

 If you are a B.Tech student at MPSTME, your day may vary from being too boring to too exciting depending on how you choose to spend it. If you have lectures from 9 am to 4 pm, your day could go like this:

9 am-11 am:

You may experience some delays when getting to the college gate due to traffic, local train travel, and fights for rickshaws. Once you arrive, you will need your id card to enter the premises, and it needs to be scanned on a biometric machine, which sometimes takes a few tries. The reception lobby has two lifts, one for odd floors and one for even floors, with long lines. The lift staff and canteen staff have priority in using the lifts. If you're running late, consider using the stairs to get to your classroom, but this can be exhausting if your classroom is on a higher floor.

When you reach your classroom, you may find that the door is locked or that the faculty won't let you enter because you're late. You may feel frustrated, but keep in mind that you're not alone as your classmates may have also been kicked out. This could be an opportunity to head to Prithvi Cafe, the nearest cafe, and hang out with friends.

11 am-1 pm:

If you manage to get into your next lecture, you may have to take a seat at the front if all other seats are taken. If you're interested in the subject and the faculty, you will pay full attention; otherwise, you may try to pass the time. You can't use your mobile while sitting at the front. After the lecture, you may check your mobile and find out that the 3-4 pm lecture is canceled, but you need to complete an assignment during the break in the 2-3 pm lecture. You'll need to plan your time accordingly and find a seat in the back.

During the next lecture, you may need to complete the assignment, which could be challenging since the websites that could help you might be blocked. However, you can still use Wikipedia and copy information to complete your assignment. After finishing your work, you may feel accomplished.

1 pm-2 pm:

It's break time, and you'll want to head to the canteen to catch a seat. The MPSTME canteen is one of the best canteens among the SVKM's colleges. Here, you can order food, share it, make fun of your friends, and meet friends from other streams, which can help you take a break from lectures and assignments.

2 pm-3 pm:

When you get back to the class, you may sit at the back and witness your classmates submit their assignments or make excuses for not completing them. Whether you choose to pay attention in the lecture is entirely up to you, but the faculty will try to make the lecture interesting. It's the most important part of the day, so try to stay focused.

Overall, it's essential to manage your time well and stay disciplined to make the most of your day.



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