What is it like to be a professor at IIT Delhi?

1 Answer

Akriti Banerjee Posted On - Apr 1, 2023
lives in New Delhi

My friends' father is a newly recruited assistant professor at IIT Delhi and shared his experience of the same over tea.


  • No extravagant salary is offered but that’s not what professors are usually after
  • A new apartment has been built to accommodate faculty 
  • Every professor gets his own private space in the form of a small office


  • Professors also have a lot of burden and each professor is expected to take one B.Tech and one M.Tech level course in 1 semester. There are around 42 lectures in a semester. 
  • The professors are free to determine the pedagogy as the exam papers are set and checked by them only. Even the mode of evaluation can be altered according to their will.
  • Some professors don’t even take exams and evaluate students' performance based on class participation and term papers.


  • Being a prestigious engineering institute, IIT Delhi is responsible for heaps of research work for the Government e.g Delhi Metro, BRT, Ganga Action Plan, etc. 
  • The professors-industry interaction is very low
  • You get plenty of time to pursue your research work 

Career prospects 

Professors are of different levels: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor.

The promotion depends on the quality of your research work. Overall, the experience is a mix of research and taking classes simultaneously with a lot of free time in your hand.



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