How difficult is to get a branch change at IIT Kanpur?

1 Answer

Vijay Sarnaik Posted On - Apr 19, 2023
Studied at IIT Kanpur

Branch change at IIT Kanpur can be a challenging process, as you have to meet specific academic and performance criteria.

The process usually involves filling out an application and meeting with a committee to review your request. The committee will consider factors such as your grades, extracurricular activities, research experience, and overall fit for the desired program.

Every branch has 2 vacant seats after the first year. Usually, there are more than 2 people who have a 10 CPI. To get a branch change into CS, one requires a perfect 10. While for other branches the situation is a bit flexible. If 3 students left a particular branch for another branch, then the seat availability for that branch will be 2+3, 5. This brings down the CPI cutoff.

It's important to keep in mind that the acceptance rate for branch change requests is typically quite low, so it's important to have a well-prepared application and be prepared for the possibility of not being granted a change.



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