Can I get a department change from a BS course to a B.Tech course in IIT Kanpur?

1 Answer

Ayushi Tiwari Posted On - Apr 25, 2023
IIT Kanpur (2019)

Yes, you can get a department change from a BS course to a BTech course at IIT Kanpur. The 2 most important things to consider during branch change are

  • Your CPI and the CPI of those intending for branch change in the same branch you are planning to get shifted to.
  • The availability of seats in the branch you want to get shifted to.

There is an additional criterion that comes to play rarely but one should be aware of it. This is

because Students are not allowed branch change if the strength in their parent department falls below a particular number (usually 55%).

Let me explain this to you with an example. If a student wants to change their branch from Earth Sciences to Physics and fulfills all criteria; the CPI and availability of seats in Physics yet, if the strength of Earth Sciences falls below 55% his branch change application will be rejected.

So these are some important points to consider before applying for branch change.



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