Is it worth it to drop a year for IIT or the BITs if you are in DTU/NSIT?

1 Answer

Akriti Banerjee Posted On - Aug 23, 2023
lives in New Delhi

It is a very personal choice. However, I can tell you about my brother’s case. He got into NSUT Delhi and decided to take a drop for the IITs. When he looks back at his decision, he regrets it a lot. It takes a toll on your physical and mental health when you obsess so much about something. My brother doesn’t regret that his Engineering studies got delayed by a year. What bothers him is how he neglected his physical and mental health, broke his connection with friends, and rarely went out, all because he wanted to get into the IITs.

Even after that, he couldn't get into the IITs and decided to go for ECE at NSUT Delhi. His mental state resulted in poor academic performance during the first two years of his Engineering life. Eventually, he got over it and worked hard during the remaining years of his B.Tech.

DTU/NSIT are pretty good colleges and offer students multiple opportunities and good placements. If you work hard, you can do great even without an IIT/BITS tag. According to my brother, no institution is worth the mental toll that a drop year takes on you.



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