What are the changes that took place in the college after IT-BHU  got converted into IIT BHU?

2 Answers

Sayantani Barman
Sayantani Barman Posted On - Jul 17, 2023

My friend was a student at IIT BHU and he witnessed a number of changes as the IT BHU got converted into IIT BHU.

  • The Vishwakarma hostel became a  3 storied building
  • Kashi yatra, the annual socio-cultural festival of IIT(BHU) Varanasi stayed open till 10.
  • The grading system first changed to absolute from relative and then finally back to relative grading.
  • Mid-semester tests were introduced in place of class tests.
  • One of the sandwich shops became a complete multi-storied restaurant.
  • The Chemical Engineering department was updated in many ways.
  • The students were no longer allotted single rooms.
  • The campus facilities were improved including the Internet connections.
  • The 90 % attendance rule was introduced.
  • The institute got 3 new directors.

These were some of the changes my friend witnessed after the IT BHU got transformed into IIT BHU.



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Kaushik Mahapatra Posted On - Aug 14, 2020
B.tech CSE from Galgotias University (2020)

IT(BHU) got converted into an IIT in 2012. The institute has seen many changes since then. A few major ones have been listed as below:

  • There is a new administration, which is directly influenced by the MHRD.
  • The processes of recruiting faculty is more thorough and therefore, newly recruited faculty are better qualified as well as equipped for teaching.
  • There is now a proper course structure to be followed, with each course having a more rigid curriculum. The academic calendar is taken more seriously.
  • Exams happen twice - one mid-semester and one end-semester instead of the CT’s and final exams.
  • There is a new 75% attendance rule. Assignments and projects have become a major part of many courses. The concept of relative grading has been introduced.
  • There is a much more functional Training and Placements Cell, along with a new Entrepreneurship Cell. There are also new start-up incubators. Placements have seen an obvious major boost.
  • Many new departments have been added - the latest being Architecture. Also, department fests are taken much more seriously.
  • More and more students are enrolled each year into various departments. This has also resulted in the construction of new hostels and increasing room occupancy of some.
  • A new library has been built and a new student activity center is being constructed.
  • Many new councils and clubs have been introduced.
  • Google Start-up Weekend, FMC Weekend, and IIT(BHU) Modern United Nations are being held every year. Also, TEDx is being conducted whenever possible.
  • The campus now has not only Internet access but also numerous WiFis.
  • A huge marketplace developed nearer to the “IIT side” of the campus.


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