Interview round at Azim Premji University isn’t difficult. The interview will start with an introduction. They will ask some questions about your background, to break the ice. While preparing for the interview, go thoroughly through your SOP. Also, read about the course you are applying to. They generally ask why you want to join the course and the institute.
Through the interview, they will try to know your personality and interests, so that they can decide if you are suitable for the course or not.
Azim Premji university is a private, non-profit institution with affiliation from UGC. It offers BA, MA, L.L.M, B.Sc. courses. According to a cousin’s experience, interviews at Azim Premji University are a pleasant experience.
There should be crystal clarity in your mind as a candidate about your course; you need to analyse your choice and decision to pursue this course, the inspiration behind your decision and the source of your motivation to delve into this field even further for example.
Be clear about what the job entails and your expectations from the experience.
The answer to the most important question of “why?” Behind your decision to pursue your choices, will give you a clear cut advantage.