What should one do to make the most of the two years in IIM Ahmedabad?

2 Answers

Sonal Mishra Posted On - Apr 14, 2023
studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

 If you are planning to pursue management studies at IIM Ahmedabad, here are some tips to make the most of your two years:

  • Explore as much as you can: One of the advantages of studying at IIM Ahmedabad is the plethora of opportunities available. Don't limit yourself to just academics, but also participate in extracurricular activities such as case competitions, business plans, and entrepreneurship events. This will give you a chance to showcase your skills and also help you discover your interests.
  • Follow your passion: Management is a vast field, and you may find yourself lost in the sea of options. It's important to find your niche and follow your passion. This will help you excel in your chosen field and also make your time at IIM Ahmedabad more fulfilling.
  • Network: One of the biggest advantages of studying at a premier management institute like IIM Ahmedabad is the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals. Attend seminars, workshops, and events, and interact with your peers, alumni, and faculty. This will not only help you expand your knowledge and skills but also open up new avenues for your career.
  • Plan your future: By the end of your 18 months at IIM Ahmedabad, you should have a clear idea of your future course of action. Use the resources available at the institute, such as career services, mentorship programs, and alumni networks, to plan your next steps. You can also seek guidance from your professors, who are experts in their fields.
  • Make the most of the institute's resources: IIM Ahmedabad has world-class faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a rich legacy. Make the most of these resources by attending lectures, workshops, and conferences, and using the library and research facilities. This will help you stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in your field and also enhance your learning experience.

Overall, IIM Ahmedabad offers a great learning environment and ample opportunities for growth and development. With the right mindset and approach, you can make the most of your two years at the institute and pave the way for a successful career.



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Sampriti Poddar Posted On - Feb 15, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (2018)

IIM Ahmedabad is one of the only institutes that makes you efficient enough to look forward towards a bright career with good amount of opportunities in all the domains.

The primary focus is academically and on extra curriculars. The certain areas that are focussed upon can be evaluated on the basis of various parameters mentioned below.

  • The first year should be focussed on gaining a good amount of professional knowledge. The knowledge should not be just limited to marks as that will not be of any use.
  • A special attention is required to be given to courses and topics like excel, Wac, OD. They are core content based courses that focus on application of skills at the basic level.
  • Group related activities are quite important; you can take up off beat courses which will help you to get great exposure.
  • Extra curricular activities are also an important part to be learnt & practised as they focus on your dynamic personality attributes.
  • Usage of the library should also be focussed upon as it helps to enrich your knowledge to the fullest.

The best part is to look up to the college period as a phase of learning and experiencing. This will make it more exciting and an unforgettable experience in your educational graph.



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