You should definitely go ahead with international financial management. You will find this subject to be extremely helpful not only in your future career but also in your personal prospects. You will gain a lot of economic and financial information from this course, even more so if it is taught by Prof. Tanuj Nandan.
Here are some pros and cons regarding the same:
You will also be exposed to the world of stocks and markets and learn to invest better in debt instruments and mutual funds. This class will also enable you to understand and download all financial data completely. You can also think of doing a parallel MOOC in finance if you are interested enough.
In case you are looking for other electives, my friends had opted for Indian Social Organization and Human Resource Management. Another one of interest was Software Project Management.
If Professor Tanuj is taking your subject (since elective teachers keep changing) you should definitely opt for this elective. His teaching style is probably the best. You will love his class.