Make it as Your Golden Opportunity

Remarks :

I completed 11th and 12th from MIT College only. Then I was admitted to BCS for MIT. It is the best college in our locality that provides good education, curriculum activities, education benefits, certifications courses, and good placements. So I found MIT is the best college to take an education.

Course Curriculum Overview :

Faculty members are very good at teaching and completing their portion. The syllabus is as mentioned by SPPU University. According to that MIT goes. Faculty members complete all portion which is required for the exam and they make students revise.

Placement Experience :

From first-year placement, teachers start to give sessions that can be helpful for your preparation. Then in 2nd year, they give you a chance to do an internship in the summer. In 3rd year in August, only companies start to come to college. Big MNCs and small organizations. Few students are there who got package 10 lakh to 15 lakh.

Loan/ Scholarship Provisions :

MIT clg takes fees a little hit high but seems for computer science course all other clgs also takes around this much. But I can say MIT is worth your fees. Yes, yearly scholarships you can get if you good student who's in distinction, and whose financial condition is not good.

Campus Life :

In jan months college conducts big gatherings for all dancing and singing programs and for award ceremonies. Also in Jan month, all the faculties conduct games like fun games, programming games, and brain games and in September month they conduct science week which is conducted by computer science faculty. The college has having very big library where you can take books, sit and study and very big labs are there, big classrooms.

4.1 out of 5
4.5/5Campus Life

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4.8 /5

Course Curriculum Overview:

I wanted to build my career in food and nutrition. The student-to-faculty ratio is 1:35. The faculties are highly qualified and efficient in teaching the required subjects. The term exams were held on time and the level of difficulty to pass the exams was moderate.

college: 5/5
course: 4.5/5
internship: 5/5
campus life: 4.5/5

3.5 /5

Course Curriculum Overview:

Because in my way this course is simple and easy. Everyone can easily pass in good cgpa and sgpa. There are six subjects in 1 year and second year only 3 subjects. Therefore I am choosing this course. In this college, the faculty is very good

college: 3.5/5
course: 3.5/5
campus life: 3.5/5

4.2 /5

Placement Experience:

There are so many placements given by colleges and they are also good for students. Placements have scope and literally, we can easily do that. So many companies are in the option for internships.

placement: 4.5/5
college: 4/5
course: 4/5
internship: 4/5
campus life: 4.5/5

3.9 /5

Placement Experience:

From 5th semester students become eligible for campus placements, and many small companies comes regularly, like wipro tcs, itc etc. Highest package was 6 lpa this year and lowesr was 2.5 lpa and avg was 3 lps approximately. My plan after getting the degree is to do mba from iim. Or from other big college.

placement: 4/5
college: 4/5
course: 4/5
campus life: 3.5/5

3.5 /5

Placement Experience:

The students become eligible for job placements at the end of the final year. That's the 3rd year final semester. There are quite few companies interested in hiring us. Usually, more than half of students get hired each year.

placement: 3.5/5
college: 3.5/5
course: 3.5/5
campus life: 3.5/5

3.0 /5

Course Curriculum Overview:

I have chosen a degree in Bachelor of Science in electronics from the college. I also have physics and maths as primary subjects including electronics. Language is also a part of the syllabus only for the first year of the course. The faculties for each subject are great teachers and some of them are even famous personalities within the fields. The faculty members belong to different age groups we have some lecturers who completed their master's degree in a subject in the last few years only but with spectacular results. Also, we have senior lecturers who have decades of experience as a teacher and a complete command over their subjects and are also respected and called by various colleges and the University itself. The exam pattern is almost completely theoretical which includes the practical examinations and projects separately. The exams are conducted with great precision and streakness. Cheating and other unlawful means to score in the exam are not at all tolerated.

college: 3/5
course: 3.5/5
campus life: 2.5/5

4.0 /5

Placement Experience:

You become eligible in the second last or last semester for campus placements. Campus Companies such as TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, L&T, LTI, Capgemini etc. Highest marks such as 9.45 CGPA and Aerage CGPA such as 7.63. It depends on the company's eligibility criteria My plan after the degree is to get a job.

placement: 4.5/5
college: 3.5/5
course: 4/5
campus life: 4/5

2.7 /5

Course Curriculum Overview:

This course is most recommended if you are interested in the IT field but didn't take your chance in engineering. The faculty is helpful and you have different faculty for each subject and as there is only one batch ratio is ideally supposed to be (no. of subject):60. The Teaching style was pretty standard that you would find in any college. You get provided with proper resources to pass all your term exams but may lag behind in practicals as per my experience

college: 2/5
course: 3/5
campus life: 3/5

3.7 /5

Placement Experience:

Students are eligible for placements in Semester 3 The following companies have visited and provided jobs to cadets Anglo eastern 2 Synergy 16 Pacific basin 30 Fleet Management Limited 17 NYK 9 Eastaway 6 r b British marine 5 MSI 4 MSC 1 PIL SHIP dynam 2 Dockendale 9 torm 3 Vigma 2 Chevron 4 Sygnius 4 Companies as the K-Line Andromeda Laurel Wallem whilsmenship BW V group have also visited and taken cadets

placement: 5/5
college: 5/5
course: 5/5
hostel: 3/5
campus life: 0.5/5



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