We know you’re still mad about them.
No relationship is perfect in real life, but in the reel life, they can be. In fact, some of the greatest love stories are those among fictional characters in Television series, be it Ross and Rachel or Meredith and Dr. McDreamy. But, have you ever shipped characters not meant to be together? Of course you have, why do you think ‘Fanfiction’ is such a rage?
So, here’s presenting the definitive list of tv couples who should have ended up together, but didn’t (Damn you, writers!) thereby, shattering the dreams you had woven around them.
Let’s start with the absolute obvious. Barney and Robin’s love-story from HIMYM was the stuff of cheesy romantic dreams, it gave hope to the idea that a playboy can fall in love and a commitment-phobe can commit with the right person. We know the story is cliche, but it was portrayed with such perfection by the actors that we couldn’t help hope they remain together, forever. But, sadly, that wasn’t meant to be as the writers chose to brutalize their relationship to the wrath of fans worldwide.
The ill-fated romance between Will and Alicia on The Good Wife has to be on this list. While this affair was written out for whatever reasons (why???), Will’s untimely death ensures that there is no chance of a happily-ever-after with this couple, ever.
George and Izzie were best friends on Grey’s Anatomy, but we all knew that their relationship had the potential to be so much more. The drunken one-night-stand felt like a teaser for something greater in their future, but it wasn’t meant to be.
It’s safe to say that Grey’s Anatomy had its fair share of ‘unhappy’ endings, and half of them involved Izzie. While O’Malley and Izzie made us sad, this one made us go into a full-fledged depression involving hours of weeping and tubs of ice-cream. Alex and Izzie were two delightfully complex and difficult individuals, who were perfect for each other. So their fate was particularly disheartening for us viewers.
Another one from Grey’s, and another tearjerker. Mark and Lexie were on and off for several seasons, but the saddest thing about this couple is that they both perish in a plane-crash, right at the cusp of beginning a new phase in their relationship.
This pairing raised some eyebrows, with fans viciously debating whether Dan was meant to be with Blair or her long-time love-interest, Serena. We won’t lie, Dan and Serena were all kinds of perfect, but, there was just something oddly appealing about Dan with Blair. Deep in our hearts, we knew that Blair would end up with Chuck, but there was still a crevice in our hearts which wanted Blair to end up with Dan, instead. Although, Dan being ‘gossip-girl’ made us mad at him. So, I guess what happened was for the better.
The Originals, aired to rave reviews and audiences especially loved to see Klaus Mikaelson’s sensitive side as he developed real love for a vampire, Camille. Their relationship saw various stages of development from being friends to lovers, but Klaus eventually had to witness Camille’s death, something he has mourned throughout his immortal life.
Ok, ok, we can’t imagine Phoebe with anyone else but Paul Rudd’s Mike. But, if someone came close to toppling Mike, it would be the goofy scientist, David. It was sad that he had to leave for Minsk and return to find that Phoebe has moved on to Mike.
Rory may have had solid romantic relationships with the likes of Jess and Dean, we totally vouched for her nerdy bff Marty to become ‘the one’ for Rory. Even though Marty’s feelings were unrequited, Rory seemed much happier with him.
We’ll end the list with a fan favorite, which, unfortunately, came to an end because actor (Michael Trevino) left the show Vampire Diaries. But, seeing how he is yet to leave a mark in Hollywood outside TVD, it would’ve been much better for him (and for us) had he and Caroline remained together.
Do you agree with our list? Tell us which ‘unhappy ending’ we missed out, in the comments below. If you love these shows just as much as we do, then log in to Zee Cafe, and re-visit these heartbreaks!