10 Things You'll Relate to if You're Technologically Challenged

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Sapna Malik updated

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Yes, you’ve tried switching it on and then off.


This is the millenium of technological marvels. While technology is supposed to make your life easier, sometimes, for some of us, it makes our lives a wee bit more complicated. The world is divided into two groups, those who understand technological shit and those who don’t. As you might know from the title of this article, this is about the latter group who sometimes feel like they’re cracking a Stanley Kubrick movie when dealing with technology. If you dunno Kubrick, he is the baap of Christopher Nolan when it comes to complex themes in movies.

So if you fall into the category of people who simply cannot face the challenge represented by our ‘Age of Technology’, this article is dedicated to ya’ll.

1. Your Response To Any Tech Issue is This...

Your Response To Any Laptop/Computer/Phone/Tv Issues

You usually turn the device on and then off which is also, literally, the entirety of your knowledge of fixing technological issues.

2. Get Confused Between GPS and GPRS

Get Confused Between GPS and GPRS

You still ask your friend to turn on the GPRS for Navigation. In fact, you are confused about it at this very moment.

3. You Always Opt For ‘Standard’ Over ‘Custom’ Settings

When Installing Any Software

Any software installation makes you choose standard settings because you wonder what fresh hell will be brought upon you by ‘custom settings’.

4. You’ve Asked How Many MegaPixels a DSLR Has

you have asked your dslr

And they have refused to answer or rolled your eyes at you. You still think its a legit question, though.

5. You Only Recently Discovered Incognito Mode

You Only Recently Discovered Incognito Mode On Your Browser

This has made your life a lot easier. *ahem

6. You Still Have a Yahoo! email Id


Nostalgia is NOT the sole reason for this. You just lack the patience (and skills) for creating a brand new email id.

7. You Still Haven’t Got The Hang of ‘Cloud’ Computing

You Still Haven’t Got The Hang of ‘Cloud’ Computing

The only ‘clouds’ you accept are the ones in the sky. You doubt whether these internet ‘clouds’ are even real.

8. Don’t Believe in Mobile Banking or Internet Banking

 Don’t Believe in Mobile Banking or Internet Banking

Banks are physical, institutionalized buildings with queues and bank employees. They aren’t metaphysical objects in the vast continuum of internet.

9. You Prefer COD Over Online Transactions

You Prefer COD Over Online Transactions

There are genuine online security threats such as hackers and all, just waiting to steal your money.

10. You Are Unable to Operate Your Brand New ‘SmartTv’

You Were Excited About Your ‘SmartTv’

You argue the validity of the term ‘smart’ in this context.

But we’ve got a solution to at least one problem in your life, television entertainment. The LG WebOS Smart TV is all set to make your lounging days a lot easier, and give you enough reasons to truly embrace the couch potato that you are! It’s simple, user-friendly interface provides the ideal resolution to your technological woes. With this LG WebOS Tv, you can pretend not to be technologically challenged in front of your friends

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