5 Top Prepaid and Postpaid offers by Vodafone that’ll convince you to upgrade

First world problems in third world country is just about networks and internet packs. The millennials are practically running on their internet speed.

As we believe in being more connected to internet than to people, loads of data is all we need to survive in today’s world.

So when the world is here on internet, how could you be left behind? Cellular network firms have been competing end to end for offering you the best of best postpaid and prepaid plans. Vodafone has rolled out some amazing network plans that provides you with loads of data pack and unlimited calls. Could we ask for more?

With many such internet struggles at hand, Vodafone flies to your rescue with these 5 best prepaid/postpaid plans. These are surely gonna swipe you out and push you to switch now.

1. RED Entertainment

Vodaphone Package

In just INR 399/month, Vodafone offers you 40GB data, 200GB Data Rollover, Unlimited calls, and Unlimited National Roaming. It is just like your fairy godmother granting you your wish in mere INR 399.

2. RED Entertainment+

Vodaphone Internet Pack

This is just as the name suggests, a plus version of RED Entertainment at just 100 bucks more. In here, you will have access to 75GB data, 200GB Data Rollover, Unlimited calls, and Unlimited National Roaming at just INR 499/month.

3. RED International

Vodaphone Unlimited Roaming Monthly Pack

The international member of RED Entertainment family. It has some exclusive offers in store for people flying overseas. 100GB data, 200GB Data Rollover, Unlimited calls, 50 minutes fee ISD and Unlimited National Roaming at just INR 999/month.

4. Super Prepaid Plans 

Vodafone Super Prepaid Plans

Super prepaid plans are amalgamation of various prepaid offers that provide you with unlimited calling and data usage. Free calls + Data + TV for 84 days at just INR 458. This is just one bit of many offers extended by Vodafone.

5. 6GB Internet Prepaid Plan

Vodaphone 6GB Internet Prepaid Plan

6GB Internet plan is a perfect scheme for day-to day rechargers. It eases your struggle for 7 days by providing you 6GB internet pack at 4G/3G speed.

Never have I ever been so surprised in my life. *gulps down a shot* Vodafone prepaid and postpaid plans are surely a solution to our everyday internet struggles. I am switching over to one of these Vodafone offers now, Are you?