Is Airtel really the Fastest Internet Network Provider in India?

Airtel  Fastest Internet Provider in India

The “Fastest Internet Provider in India” is just a mere player among the pool of cellular networks that are all claiming to be the best in some or other crap.

Having their confidence level reaching the skies with open challenge to people to browse/download/ upload or do anything over the internet faster than Airtel 4G. The users have something else to say.

Any or every cellular network claiming to be baap of other networks, it is certainly not so. None of the networks is fastest or available in all areas and regions. So, apparently the Airtel 4G girl going to ends of the country to prove her point is basically pointless. Also, the Airtel 4G ads brought in excitement for meme makers as they went bizarre with ideas and thoughts about how to meme it out.

We do not completely turn their claim down, they might be acing in providing fastest network in some regions but then who claims about whole country? There are various cellular firms that claim to be providing high end internet speed and best data packs, yet they cannot be 100% sure of the network availability all over the country. The point we would like to tacitly put is you might be the best in most of the regions but you are certainly not in all.

People have claimed it to be just another advertising strategy where Airtel has sincerely focused on hype creation rather than product promotion.

We have voices from South India that vouch for Airtel being the best service provider as compared to many but this is not the same scenario in all regions of the country. Where South India gets best Airtel services, North Delhi has some other apprehensions.

“I live in Rohini Area, Speed Test results for Airtel is 1-2 MBPS max., hence, I prefer any other network rather than Airtel for my internet usage” said one of the North Delhi waasi

We are certainly not playing blame games or getting our hands dirty in the cellular firm rivalry. All we are here to say is that Airtel 4G claim was beneficial to just two set of people, one from Airtel itself and other the meme makers. They got some real shit to crack jokes on.

You might have been cringing over the excessive visibility of these memes all over your social media but you just cannot deny that it got you ROFL’d out.