Converting percentage to GPA, importance, Indian grading system and conversion of percentage to GPA/CGPA

Converting Percentage To GPA- Importance, Indian Grading System, Conversion of percentage to GPA & CGPA

In India, the majority of universities follow the percentage system to grade students. And it works well in most universities. But if you are a student applying to study abroad, you know the stress of converting percentage to GPA or CGPA. One minor error could land you in cold waters with your prospective university and hinder your chances of ever getting in.

How to convert Percentage To GPA

Why Is The Importance of Converting Percentage to GPA/CGPA?

Universities throughout the world follow varied systems of grading to evaluate students’ performances throughout the academic year. These grading systems are generally accepted, and pre decided as per the guidelines of their education authorities. The most commonly followed grading systems throughout the world are:

  • Percentage system
  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Students applying abroad need to ensure the accuracy of it all. Any machine or manual error while converting percentage to GPA, needs to be rechecked many times and to avoid them, it is important for you to learn how to convert your percentage to GPA/CGPA.

Indian Grading System

The students are evaluated based on their respective percentages obtained. Further, this percentage is used to put them into different divisions of performance evaluation.

The below table shows the categorization of the percentage range into divisions.

Percentage Range Division
75% & above Distinction
60-75% First division
50-60% Second division
40-50% Third division

Also see: How to convert 10 point CGPA to 4 point GPA?

How To Convert Percentage To GPA?

GPA (Grade Point Average) is a grading system that is prevalent in the United States. In this grading system, the student is evaluated in a 4-point grading system.

While converting percentage to GPA, the candidates need to follow a simple equation in which:

  • Divide your % by 100 and then, multiply it by 4, the result will be your total GPA.

For example, if you scored 70% in an Indian university, you simply divide 70 by 100 which is 0.7, and then multiply it by 4. Hence, your total GPA will be the result i.e. 2.8.

How To Convert Percentages to CGPA?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a grading system that is prevalent in Europe. In this grading system, the students get evaluated in a 10-point grading system.

In order to convert a percentage to CGPA, the candidates need to follow a simple equation in which:

  • Divide your % by 9.5 and the result will be your CGPA.

To exemplify, if you scored 70% in an Indian university, you simply divide 70 by 9.5. Hence, your CGPA will be the result i.e. 7.3.

If you are facing any problems while converting your Percentage into CGPA/GPA, there are several websites that will do it for you for free. However, it is advised that the candidate do it manually and then, recheck it with the website to be sure.


Ques. What is a good GPA for Indian students?

Ans. A GPA in the range of 3.0 and 3.5 is considered good by most colleges/universities. However, students applying to relatively prestigious universities may need to aim for a higher than 3.5 GPA to qualify for scholarships.

Ques. What GPA is required at Harvard?

Ans. To get into Harvard University, students are required to at least have a GPA of 4.18 or higher than that. If their GPA is less than that, they have to recompense by scoring higher on SAT or ACT.

Ques. Why is GPA important?

Ans. A good GPA determines whether or not you will get admission to a good college/university. It helps the university admission office get a clearer idea of the student’s performance. It further determines whether they are eligible for financial assistance, scholarship, or any other incentives.

Ques. Which is the hardest university to get into?

Ans. The top 5 universities with the lowest acceptance rates for international students are

Ques. What GPA is required to get into MIT?

Ans. There is no minimum GPA requirement to get admission in MIT but it does not go lower than 3.5. And the candidate must have straight A’s in science and mathematics


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