Letter of Recommendation from Teacher

Letter of Recommendation from Teacher

An academic letter of recommendation from a teacher or academic counsellor is required for further studies. 99% of universities abroad require students to submit LOR from teachers. Teacher recommendations should be an honest student evaluation. The recommendation letters should talks about both student’s areas of strength and areas of improvement. It should be an overall evaluation of the student in academic, cleassroom mannerisms, and intellectual promise.
Academic LOR Guidelines

Sample Letter of Recommendation for Student from Teacher

[University letterhead]

[sender's name]

[sender's departmental address-if not printed on letterhead]

[sender's departmental phone number, if available]

[sender's departmental fax number if not printed on letterhead]

[sender's institutional email address]

[today's date]

[recipient's name]

[recipient's institutional address]

Dear [recipient's name]; or To Whom it May Concern:

It is my pleasure to recommend Jane Doe for the Art & Public Policy program at Tisch School of The Arts. I have been a professor of English Literature at Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi for 12 years now. I taught her American Literature, Women's Writing and Postcolonial Literature for three semesters. In the duration of three semesters, I witnessed her excel in all my papers. She grasped the texts very quickly and interpreted them with utmost ease. Her explanations about the texts highlighted her critical thinking accompanied by a sense of individuality distinguished her from everybody in the course and made her easy to remember. She also has great communication, research, and creative skills which helped her excel in extracurricular activities.

I am also the chairman of the Social Justice Department of the college and Jane was a very significant part of the department. She joined the department on the first day of college and was associated with us for the entire duration of her undergraduate program. The Social Justice Department provided her a safe space to express her extraordinary creativity which she then combined with her passion for social justice for the marginalized sections of society. Her work with the Literary Club and Theatre club is commendable. She started the first LGBTQIA+ club in the college to make the campus more accessible and friendly for everyone. She was also a student union leader and worked very hard to make the campus a safer place for everyone. She helped strengthen the creative infrastructure of the college in several ways. But my personal favourite was her rendition of Pride and Prejudice on modern lines, which she wrote for the Media Review club of college. The play earned accolades in the literary circles of the university and was later sponsored to be performed by one of the most prestigious theatres in New Delhi.

Jane's extracurricular adventures didn't hinder her academics at all. She continued to fetch high grades and was a university topper. Jane has excellent writing skills. She did all kinds of writing such as news articles, poetry, academic papers, and plays and even managed to publish them in some of the leading magazines in the country. Her work is easy to read but carries a distinct sense of individuality and newness. She tackles the topic by citing adequate examples and explores the creative side by indulging in imagery and metaphors.

Aside from being a fierce student leader, Jane is also very kind and funny. She is very polite and easy to talk to. She is solution-oriented and goes out of her way to help people. She performed standup comedy at various college events too. Her dedication to learning is very noteworthy. Whenever she's not working on a creative piece or on her academics, she is reading a book. She went out of her way to make the college experience great for her peers, seniors, juniors and even her faculty members. Throughout the course, Jane displayed great promise and was respectful at all times. She made the teaching and mentoring experience more fun for us.

This is why I believe Jane is the perfect candidate for the Art & Public Policy program at Tisch. The program pushes students to think about their role in a transnational world that must contend with issues around race, class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, and religion. Jane would benefit greatly from this program and would help trigger real change in the world.

Please contact me in case of any other assistance regarding Jane Doe.

Yours sincerely,

[Sender's signature]

[Sender's name and title]

The letter of Recommendation for different courses needs different specifications:

Sample Letter of Recommendation from Teacher

[University letterhead]

[sender's name]

[sender's departmental address-if not printed on letterhead]

[sender's departmental phone number, if available]

[sender's departmental fax number if not printed on letterhead]

[sender's institutional email address]

[today's date]

[recipient's name]

[recipient's institutional address]

Dear [recipient's name]; or To Whom it May Concern:

I am thrilled to be writing this letter to recommend John Doe for the MBA program at Harvard Business School. I am a professor of Entrepreneurship at Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Pune and with a teaching experience of 20+ years. I taught John the compulsory papers such as Creativity and Innovation, Business Modelling and Business Plan, Funding for Entrepreneurs and Building Lean Startup. In my 20+ years of preparing students to take on the business world, only a few students managed to achieve the feat in an exceptional way. John was one of them. I taught him for 3 years and have been mentoring him for 5 years now. Writing this recommendation letter for him gives me immense joy and pleasure as John is an exceptional student and even a better entrepreneur. John carved a name for himself by putting his knowledge to use when he started a business from scratch in business school itself.

Some of my favourite qualities in John are that he is extremely hard-working, motivated and makes the best of simple situations. He got a full scholarship in college for his academic excellence. He is also a very creative person and was a core member of the marketing club of the college. He also started working for one of the leading marketing firms in the country only by his second year in college. By third year, he ventured into a full-time business by starting his very own marketing firm while juggling his bachelor's degree on the side. Despite his business, his attendance and academics were in perfect shape. His business caught on and was very successful. I am glad that he has decided to diversify his skills by pursuing an MBA.

All of the assignments submitted by John were very interesting and detailed. His experience with his own startup added an extra depth to all the papers that he wrote. He is a very curious learner and an avid reader. In his assignments, he dealt with the topics by elaborating and analysing all the significant features surrounding the topic. This provided a further edge to his assignments.

John is very disciplined and has excellent management, leadership and analytic skills. His creative juices know no boundaries as his marketing firm is one of a kind which works for some of the most innovative brands led by young people. Throughout his college life at Symbiosis, he participated in a lot of management fairs and won quite a few of them. He has always shown great initiative and promise. He was also awarded the entrepreneur of the year for back-to-back two years. John pays attention to detail and delivers all of his work before the deadline without compromising on the quality of the work. His presence of mind and critical thinking is appreciated worthy. He has a unique way of approaching an issue that guarantees results.

Harvard Business School has a vast ecosystem of entrepreneurship which will benefit John greatly. The dynamic learning environment at Harvard will provide him with even more opportunities to explore his capabilities and enrich them. Therefore, I would highly recommend John Doe for the MBA program.

Please contact me in case of further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

[Sender's Signature]

[Sender's name and title]


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