The university had a good course in computer science. It's also got a good/decent reputation as a university although that doesn't matter too much for me. The equipment/facilities at the university are also great and the open day really made me interested in going (for comparison a different open day for my previous first choice university was horrible)
Course Curriculum
It is good. But about all. I don't really have a strong opinion about this however I need to do this to a certain length so yeah. I mean the curriculum is great and all, plus I love the opportunity to minor in the first year.
Great, well organised and professional. Labs are available 24/7 which is a dream when doing coursework. The library is ok. I mean the pods are amazing for doing work
$39 college entrance fee(not university college, like a mandatory grouping in university, think houses in Hogwarts) $9250 a year
Examination Structure
It's ok. Not much to say about this as I'm an undergraduate (first year) who has not taken an exam yet (only coursework so far). I can not provide a sufficient description of the exam structure. This is almost long enough.