Accident. Wanted to take a gap year , working and travelling. Then just before Freshers, I chose a random university and then a random course. I wanted too bothered on what degree or uni I went to as long as I get be employable at the end of it
Course Curriculum
Some of it is amazing, and there are rubbish modules. But that's in every course. The 2 largest modules are really good, linear algebra and calculus. I enjoy them. They are challenging and sometimes the exams don't relax the content taught in lectures.
It's a very good college. It's a shame that Leicester isn't a Russel group university. The mathematics department itself is amazing, there are a couple of excellent lectures and more shitty ones
I've never had a placement at university, keeping in mind that I'm in my first year. I did do a workshop for a company and helped them with innovative ideas. Mathematic students don't really worry about jobs because we know a maths degree is very open and there are hundreds of businesses wanting us.
I don't live on campus, I live in a village, in accommodation owned by the uni which is just under 3 miles away. It's a lovely area and lots of greenery. It is really beautiful where I've chosen to live. There are many types of accommodation owned by uni
We automatically have to pay the 9K a year. We have to buy our own calculators, paper, pens etc. There are charges for being part of the maths society.
Examination Structure
Different for each module: Linear Algebra & Calculus: 3 Class tests weighing 10% each. 10% for online coursework/ computer science, 10% for participation and attendance. Then 50% summer exams Probability & Statistics, 20% test and 70% summer exam and 10% computer science (coding)@ The other modules are more coursework based between 30-60%.