Master of Education [M.Ed] From Kumaun University DSB Campus Nainital, Nainital

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Course Description

Master of Education or M.Ed. is a Postgraduate course which deals with the methodology of educational research and experimentation of new techniques of teaching. This course particularly introduces you to new levels of teaching processes. Students who have successfully qualified there bachelors of education (B.Ed) from a recognized institution are eligible to apply.

It is a 2 years course divided into 4 semesters, i.e. 2 semesters for each year. The average tuition fee of the course varies from INR 10,000  to 25,000.

Top Institutes offering M.Ed. are:

After completion of the course the person can earn upto an average of INR 25,000 to 40,000. There are varied numbers of career options after passing out from the course like Counselor, Teacher, Administrator etc. Top recruiters includes Extramarks, Aakash institute Pvt. Ltd. Etc.

With the completion of course comes the responsibility and experience of practical handling of problems related to education industry. The course also makes one capable of dealing with core research aptitude issues with ease.

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Course Highlights

Course Level  Post- Graduation
Duration 2 year
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility B.Ed with aggregate 50%
Admission Process Entrance Test or Merit Based
Course Fee INR 10,000 to 25,000
Average Starting Salary INR 2 to 4 Lacs
Top Recruiting Areas Coaching Centres, Education Consultancies, Home/Private Tutions, Museums, Publishing Houses, Schools/Colleges, Research and Development Agenices.
Top Recruiting Companies Educomp, FIITJEE, T.I.M.E., NIIT, Vibgyor
Job Profiles Lecturer/Professor, Soft skill trainer, Counselor, Head Master, Juniour Assistant, etc. 

M.Ed. (Master of Education): What is it About?

Master of Education is a specialized program for potential educators or for those with a bachelor degree in education seeking an in-depth knowledge of the field. This program focuses on various aspects of education as a stream and area of research. Thus it covers sub-fields such as administration, curriculum, instruction, leadership, counselling and educational technology.

This course churns out leaders in the field of education as it focuses on multiple aspects of education and training. Moving ahead from what comprises a curriculum at Bachelor’s level, this program encompasses cultural, sociological and political aspects of education. Some of the topics covered are classroom techniques, instructional technologies, cross-cultural awareness, sociological and political issues in education.

M.Ed course provides knowledge of education systems and pattern more profoundly, it helps gain more experience to be advanced teacher or educator. While studying this course, you can specialize in subjects like Educational Technologies, Educational Management, Language Education and Teacher Education amongst many other specialised subjects. 

Benfits of M.Ed.(Master in Education)

Among various benefits, some are listed below:

  • M.Ed. Course helps gain expertise and technical finesse needed to promote to advanced teacher or educator. Hence, students can get jobs in high schools easily after attaining M.Ed. degree.
  • The course provides you with an experience of actual teaching by giving opportunities to teach in a classroom setting, under supervision of an experienced teacher. This way you learn the tricks and tips of how to be a teacher. 
  • Teachers with advanced degree can also be promoted to administration level, which further leads to higher pay.
  • Having a master’s degree makes you an expert in your field and thus M.Ed. degree carries prominent weightage in teaching job market. 
  • Aspiring teachers needs masters degree to apply in universities or colleges. 

In all, getting M.Ed. degree can enhance your expertise in teaching and enrich your career prospects. It establishes you as an expert teacher and provides you with excellent job opportunities. 

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Top Institutes 

There are various centers of study offering masters of education course. This course has grown popular with the new emerging trends in education industry.

Some of the top colleges or universities for study of Masters of Education are

Name Location Average Fee (in INR)
Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi  7,300
Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak 4,950
Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam 37,500
University of Calicut Calicut 30,200
Lovely Professional University Jalandhar 79,000
Amity University Lucknow 86,100
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 4,410
University of Lucknow Lucknow 25,100
Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalya Bhopal 30,000
Integral University Lucknow 60,000
Government College of Education for Women Coimbatore 25,000
A.W.H. College of Education Calicut 47,500

The course is also available from distance learning mode. The best university for distance learning mode is IGNOU- Indira Gandhi National Open University.

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Eligibility Criteria

Any person who has successfully cleared his Bachelors of Education i.e. B.Ed. from recognized institution with atleast 50% marks is eligible to apply for this course. Students with a B.El.Ed. or BA in Education can also apply to the program. 

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Admission Process

The application process for entering the course varies from university to university. Some colleges conduct entrance tests and some select candidates on the basis of cut-off marks. But the application process is not that rigorous as compared to other courses.

Direct entry in M.Ed.

The application forms are released in the month of March or April and students aspiring for entry in course are required to fill the form before the last date.

The college or university then release the cutoff marks and after validation students can approach colleges or universities for admission.

Entrance Test for M.Ed.

Application forms are released and students are required to fill the forms mentioning their details and choice of examination centers and submit the form before last date.

After the application process is over, Colleges or universities release the admit cards of the students. A test is conducted to get admission into the course. This test decides the ability of the candidate to pursue further masters’ course.

Syllabus of the entrance test includes following topics:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • General Knowledge
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Skills
  • Computer Knowledge

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Syllabus and Course Description

The course is beneficial in providing technical knowledge based on education and its related fields. It implies stress on various pedagogy of learning techniques from which individual can aspire to be a world class educator.

The course is 2 year long divided into 4 semesters, 2 semesters each year. As part of the curriculum students have to fulfill an internship and learn skills related to research, teaching and other issues related to the field of education.

Internship and research form a crucial part of the M.Ed. curriculum. Some universities also require students to submit a dissertation in the final semester of the program.

M.Ed.(Master of Education): Scheme of Assessment

Paper Type




Internal Assessment




Internal includes practical, file work, labs etc.There is a lot of practical work in the course included which give students an edge to learn various practical implications while working with theory.

An overview of the syllabus for M.Ed. is given below:

Name of the course



Philosophy of education

Education, history, philosophical foundations, system education

This will acquaint you with basic idea of education and the person will be able to draw generalize idea out of it.

Psychology  of learning and development

Theories of cognitive development, theories of Skinner and Bandura etc, intelligence concept

The motive behind is to apply educational psychology in classrooms and enhance mental health and personality.

Introduction to educational research

Assessment, evaluation, core areas of research like single girl child

It enables individual to critically analyze information for its use.

History and Political economy of Education

Works of M.K. Gandhi, Aurobindo, Tagore, Amartya Sen, Child development theories

It helps to understand philosophical, historical and conceptual thought of education.

Sociology of education

Relation between social stratification of social and economy of society, relation of between history and polity

Helps in understanding factors of social change, analyze cultural change and learn sociological issues of education.

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Specializations

There are various Specializations that can be opted by students further in M.Ed. course. Some of these are:

  • Educational Technology
  • Educational Management
  • Women Studies
  • Language Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Special Education
  • Environment Education
  • Yoga Education
  • Rural Education

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Career Prospects

As you graduate from the course there are varied numbers of career choices available for you. The main field of employment is education and some of the popular career choices are:

Job profiles


Average Salary (in INR)

Lecturer or Professor

This is a reputed job where you will be based on to teaching at a particular institution or center of education.

8 to10 Lacs

Soft skills Trainer

The profile is based on teaching soft skills to students like learning ways of communication etc. It is a fun loving job and challenging in itself.

2.5 to 3.2 Lacs


The job of a counselor is to counsel students in various fields ranging from courses they should opt for to career options they can select. Counselors are an important asset for any educational institute.

2 to 3 Lacs

Head master

As Head Master, an M.Ed. graduate will have to look after various aspects of a school such as administration, admission, teaching, ECA, etc.

5 Lacs

Junior Assistant

The profile is based on research. Here you will be working as research  assistant and holding  autonomous position to conduct surveys, schedule projects etc.

2 to 2.5 Lacs

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Top Recruiters

  • Educomp
  • T.I.M.E
  • NIIT
  • Vibgyor

M.Ed. (Master of Education): Salary Trends

The salary after M.Ed. varies according to the profile held. Below is a graph which charts the salary trend for various profiles held by M.Ed. graduates.

salary graph for  [M.Ed]

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates should have passed Bachelor’s degree in B.Ed from a recognized university.
  2. He/She should have secured a minimum 50% aggregate.
  3. All SC/ST candidates have a relaxation of 5% in the minimum aggregate.

Admission Guidelines

Admission is based on the Merit.

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Master of Education [M.Ed] Comparison

Kumaun University DSB Campus NainitalHNBGU
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
Total Fees
21640 (2 Years )
Highest Salary-
Average Salary-
General Course Details
Duration - 1 Year
Course Offered - Full Time
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Degree
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Total Seats - 50
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Degree

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