The campus is beautiful and my family is full of Clemson football fans. Honestly, though the number one reason was that most of my friends were going too. That was a big factor for me. And we were all in the Clemson band together.
Course Curriculum
I thought the political science curriculum encompasses the various facets of political science well. It was an interesting time to be a political science major considering the 2016 election and we talked at length about that.
I think there are some truly great professors at Clemson who are really Passionate about the subjects they teach. I don't think you become a professor of something unless you feel strongly about the subject.
SAT and ACT pre-college and then various exams during. Obviously, each of my classes had their own exams.
You paid tuition, room, and board if you stayed on campus, different levels of meal plans based on your needs. There were lab fees and library fees and of course you had to buy or rent all of your own textbooks for your classes. I'm sure there were lots of other charges but I didn't pay attention to all of it.
Examination Structure
Each class has at least some sort of final exam. Some classes have a common exam time. Final exams are at the end of the year. It's pretty much exactly what you would think exams in college are supposed to be.