The reason most people come to Clemson is for that feeling of family. Everywhere you go someone will see your Clemson attire and you instantly have that connection. It's great for networking. Not to mention the incredible athletics and research opportunities.
Course Curriculum
The Biochem curriculum is very applicable to the major. A lot of students are planning on going to some type of graduate school and these classes prepare students well. For example, I am planning on pharmacy school and the classes I am required to take are what will be tested on the PCAT.
Most of the professors I have had have been extremely knowledgeable and really want students to learn and understand the material. My advisor especially has been incredibly helpful during my time here at Clemson and always had students best interest in mind. Overall, the faculty here really wants to see students succeed.
I took 2 exams upon applying to college and got a 31 on the ACT and 1410 on the SAT. I have not taken any further exams.
My tuition was around $40,000 for out of state. However, this does include food and housing. After scholarships and financial aid, it's significantly lower.
Examination Structure
For most exams, they are just administered in class. Some classes are coordinated, meaning that all sections of the class will take the exam at the same pre-determined time. Usually, TAs or professors will proctor exams.