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4 Reviews Found
There are residential dorms and colleges for students. You can opt to be in singles, doubles, or triples. The cost is around 15000 USD for a year.
Got into an honors program called MMSS, which has a campus but still within the city parameters of Chicago, great academics, top 10 ranked school, good student life including athletics, clubs.
I live in a residential college, which has been greatly beneficial to me in terms of finding friends and academic support. Again, I've been required to live on campus, so rooming on campus has not been challenging, and my random roommate has been fantastic!
First, I'm a Questbridge Scholar who matched with Northwestern, so I was required to go here by contract. I ranked it because I thought it offered so many different opportunities, because of its location, emphasis on not limiting yourself to one area of study, etc. People at Northwestern were kinder and so willing to help me out/answer any questions during my tour, which made me feel right at home.
I'm staying off campus. The halls at NU are expensive but have great facilities.
Great Brand, low student faculty ratio. Direct connect with Kellogg school of business and this is one of the best MEM program in USA. It also has one of the lowest acceptance ratio
Accommodation is easily available around the college
Top 5 for MEM, has a good quarter program & faculty is from Kellogg