Yashni Review at Curtin University, Perth | Collegedunia

My review

7.5 /10

Liked it. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing and all the people were so nice when I went for the open day. I felt like the course was also just my calling - it had so many components I loved and I just had my heart set.

Course Curriculum :

The course is great I love it. However, the workload is extremely full and demanding and leaves you a bit exhausted. But I guess that's expected because it's a pretty demanding job too. But overall good.

Exams :

I undertook the WACE exams and got an ATAR of 98.55 in November 2017. I undertook UMAT twice too whilst trying to get into Medicine.

Placement :

Right now I'm pretty sure they are at a fairly good level. I hope they remain like that for when I graduate. I guess this is maybe because the intake of students into the course is pretty low so I have that to be grateful for.

Internship :

Yes- I am not quite sure about the exacts but I do know they offer them from talking to older year groups and from the sound of it. It's a great experience that really prepares you for the real world.

Events :

A wide range of multicultural events. Such as Pasar-Malan, Diwali. Always have foot markets and vegan and gluten-free expos and Togo nights. The atmosphere is always buzzing and great who would not love it.

Fees :

40000 for domestic students for the whole course. This comes with student and amenities fees over like 100 a semester. With scholarships, it's cut down though so that's good.

Scholarship :

Yes - high achievers scholarship of 15000. This is given to be in increments of 2500 a semester too

Examination Structure :

Multiple choice and short answers. Multichoice is generally a lot more difficult than usual but the written exams go for two hours and prac exams and 3 x 6-minute station which you rotate around. It's stressful.

Faculty :

Really friendly, no one is stuck up or a snob and everyone generally get along. It feels like a little family which is always nice. We could probably do more social events though.

Hostel :

I live at home with my parents and sister and take the bus and train to uni every day which is a one hour journey but it?s okay because I like to study on the train. Living at home makes things a lot easier

7.5 out of 10
7.0/10Social Life